News of the Weird

Miranda, it was a totally random Friday the 13th on this side of the world too!

I was literally turning the lights off Thursday night to go to bed at 11pm, when I got a text from a 919 (NC) number. I opened it and it was from this guy I had a fling with last year. I have mentioned this guy before, but I’m not sure if I named him or not…so from henceforth he will be called Clark. Clark is from NC but lives in HI due to the Navy, he’s 25 now, and he’s a total freak sexually. I mean he pushed me to do things that were wayyy outside of my comfort zone. It was fun, but he was uber dominant and I finally got tired of saying “No” all the time to some of the things he wanted me to do. Finally, we parted ways and he actually said some kind of ugly things at the time. He has some issues…I think they stem from his parents. He’s seriously one of the hottest guys I’ve ever been with, but he’s clearly got some other stuff going on. I think he immediately (or already) had a gf when we quit seeing each other and then he went to Asia on deployment for 6 months. He’s been back for a little while now and reports that his life is hell.

He sent me a text basically saying he missed me and was in a really crappy situation that he doesn’t know how to get out of it and wanted to talk. He told me that he knew I would listen and that he had gone back through old phone records to find my number. The gf is apparently a total whack job (why is it that men flock to crazy chicks??) and they hate each other, but she won’t leave. She lives with him and his side of the story is that she’s physically abusive towards him and totally financially dependent on him, but won’t leave him unless he gives her everything he’s got. He rents a house, but it seems he just bought himself a new luxury car that she wants. She seems quite the extortionist and I questioned why could she demand such high ransom. Well, it turns out that she knows some stuff on him that could get him discharged. It seems he’s a web cam model and some of his clients are men (which I was telling Miranda this morning is NUTS b/c he’s the MOST homophobic guy I’ve ever met). Apparently not only does she know this, but she knows how to access his previous videos that seemingly cannot be deleted. I feel kind of sorry for him because he truly can’t figure out how to get out of this relationship, but he also created this clusterfuck for himself. He’s only got a year left in service, but sadly he would be discharged for this if she were to pursue it. Initially I told him that material possessions are just that and that as he gets older, he will learn that they are not as important as being happy…however, then I remembered the no negotiations with terrorists thing and told him that there really is nothing stopping her from reporting it even if he does give her the car.

We then moved the conversation toward us seeing each other again. He was pleased to hear I’m getting divorced and asked if I would ever consider being with him. I told him if he were older and didn’t have so much crazy in his life, maybe…but since those were things that either can’t change or I didn’t see changing, probably not. The thing is (other than the fact that he’s 9 years younger than I am), I actually liked him a lot when I was seeing him. He’s a really sweet guy (with a total freak side), but overall is pretty interesting and really doesn’t seem as young as he is. I had a huge crush on him at the time we were together, but obviously at that time I was still staying in my marriage. In the midst of our texting, he told me that I’m his “dream girl”. I literally laughed out loud over this and told him as much. Honestly, I think he really would like to be with someone like me, but can’t get his demons under control enough to do it. I do not think he wants to enter a ready made family situation though, especially where a gay husband is involved. The first time I met Clark, he came up for dinner at a local eatery and sunset with Chloe and I. It was early in this open marriage thing and we hadn’t really thought yet about how incredibly inappropriate this was for Chloe to see. Anyway, we weren’t doing anything inappropriate in front of her of course…just ate dinner together. He was cute with her, but she totally showed out for him (which was of course my sign that this was a BAD idea…duh). After she went to bed, we started having some of the hottest sex and he wanted to stay the night. I agreed to let him stay and when Russell got home we were fooling around some on the couch. At that time, Russell and I were still having sex and he took me into our bedroom and fucked me while I did things to Clark and Russell watched. Clark commented many times over the few months we were together that Russell watching him had totally creeped him out, which is why I found the web cam thing odd…but I guess anything for a buck and it’s not person to person contact. The next morning, I fed Clark breakfast and then he left. From then on, I primarily saw him at his house and he was actually the first person that I spent the night with and woke up crying the next morning because I was pretty sure that this was the end of my marriage and felt that spending the night was really crossing the cheating line. I guess it was ok that I had fucked men for the past 2 years at that point, but sleeping with them was over my weird line.

We addressed the hurtful things he said to me when we ended it last year and he apologized in what I felt was a sincere manner. I don’t know if it was truly sincere or sincerity based on his desire to get back into my panties. Regardless, it’s water under the bridge now and typically I don’t hold onto things for too long. I’m oddly conflicted about whether or not I want to see him again. This is highly unusual for me…I’m pretty black and white…either I want to or I don’t. I’ve kind of got my hands full at the moment and he lives an hour from my house on the other side of the island (near where Andy 26 resides), but when it was on…it was soooo good. His final text to me, was “I’ll convince you”. He probably will because I have a hard time saying “No” to him, unless it is regarding sexual stuff that involves bodily functions.

In the midst of this conversation with Clark, Owen texts me to see if I’m free Friday evening. We have only seen each other once at night in the 18 months we’ve been together. Sadly, last night didn't work out because I was doing a volunteer gig from 5-8pm and he had free time on his way home, which fell squarely into that time frame.

As I was finishing up my volunteerism, Gavin calls me. I let it go to voice mail as I was not in an appropriate place to chat. When I listened to the voice mail, I almost passed out. He had called to ask me out on date! He wanted me to go to the movies with him. WTF?? Seriously, could this day BE any more strange? As it turned out by the time I called him back and could get home, it was too late for us to go out and we were both tired. Then, he calls me back about an hour later and asked me to meet him for a blow job. I told him as tempting as that was, I thought I would decline. LMAO...I will blow a guy all day long IF I know I'm going to get something out of it...don't call me just for that unless I'm on my period and you're a freak about it (and this is pretty much the only exception other than sometimes when we use recreational drugs). I think it kind of pissed him off...I told him that tonight just wasn't a good night. We were eating a super late dinner and Chloe had a friend over for a sleepover, so there was a lot going on when I actually got home. I told him to call me this weekend, so we'll see if we hook up or not.

Here's a side note about him, which also precipitated me turning him down (because honestly he probably would have made me cum too). As we were talking on the phone, I asked about his living arrangements and the call to CPS. It seems he totally pussed out (my exact quote to him btw) on calling CPS. He told me on Tuesday that he had, but he really hadn't it seems. He's totally second guessing himself now and trying to convince himself that maybe it isn't what he thinks it is (from working in social work for damn near a decade, I can tell you it is exactly what he thinks it is from his description - something I also told him). So on top of being tired and not really feeling it, I was pissy with him about this too. This is why abuse continues for so one does a goddamn thing about it. If I knew more, I'd call but I don't even know the little girl's name and I only know the child molester's first name. They live on a dirt road, so I don't even have an address. I shall keep on it though. Her brother (at least I think it's her brother) is in Chloe's class, so I have some investigative work to do.

So as you can see from this, it was just a REALLY weird 24 hours. I'm curious to see what the next few days hold as well.


  1. Whoa crazy all around! Did Clark want you to pee on him? LOL LOL LOL!


  2. Oh honey peeing was the very least of the things he wanted...he's HOT, but he's a FREAK.

  3. The biggest homophobes are almost always gay Jules! You know this! Or at the very least bi...........


  4. LMAO, good point...he probably is too. I've just never seen anyone appreciate a woman's body the way he does. I think the web cam thing is more attention seeking behavior, because clearly the poor boy has very low self esteem, but I don't know...he could just be waiting to break out of the closet.

  5. Well you have no shortage of options it seems. The bodily functions is crossing my line for sure as well!

  6. There's a very interesting Real Sex documentary called Pornucopia, which has an episode that touches on "Gay for Pay" sex performers. Gay willing performers, ESPECIALLY masculine gay willing performers, make even more money in the porn industry than female performers. The general consensus is that with an open mind, a little Viagra and a LOT of cash, some people are willing to do just about anything :-P

    Is this the same guy you called "Jay" that you were considering meeting up with back in May?

  7. I think that's his deal, but honestly I don't know what's up with the web cam thing. No, this is not "Jay", this is someone that I'm not sure I've ever talked about on here before. I met him last spring and saw him for a few months.


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