Waiting to Exhale

Today has been a funny day. I caught myself feeling quite proud that I really didn’t have any desire for attention from the male gender today…until I looked at the clock and it was only noon. LOL! It’s no secret I like the attention and that it’s become a little bit addictive. Though with the right guy, I can easily tune all the others out just look at my recent “relationship” with IT (despite his craziness) as an example. But truthfully in general I’ve gotten very accustomed to it, maybe, no definitely, too accustomed.

So today has been a day of rejuvenation and “me” time. Just me and the kids, poor Ladybug has some virus that is causing her to have a high fever, but it’s kept us inside and away from the pool where my whole boy attention fetish would be fed. It’s actually been kind of…nice. Weird, a little quiet, peaceful.

I have had a couple texts from College Crush and the new rich country guy. I’m going to have to name him but I haven’t figured out one yet. And this evening a new thought stuck in my mind, with the level of attention I’ve gotten used to by dating 2, 3, 4, hell sometimes 5 guys at once, will one “normal” guy be enough for me?

I mean you can’t really count my experience with IT because it was A LOT of attention packed into a mere two weeks time. It was way overboard. I mean we spent five nights in a row together. That’s not normal. But a regular good guy, will he be able to keep me satisfied attention wise? Have I become an attention whore?

I’ve been pondering that. My instinct is to say that with a good guy who I have chemistry with it’s not going to matter. My “thirst” for attention will be satiated by whatever works for us and I won’t feel the need for the other boys. Quite honestly, even though it was way too much too soon, I hardly even thought of other guys when I was with IT. So that gives me hope.

Just a little FYI – I’m officially giving up on Lawyer Boy. Except for a few conversations he’s still been MIA and now the Bar Exam can’t even be his excuse. Plus, sometimes it was hard to be with him, like I felt like I had to work to make us connect. And he’s got confidence issues which may be eradicated when he passes the bar but still, I don’t want to have to pump up someone all the time. I figured this is how he'd still be but it does make me a little sad; he was a fun guy to hang out with and then there was the whole pretty penis issue ;-) I might go out to get a drink with him if he randomly contacts me but that’s it. BTW, I know he's been to the DR but he hasn't told me the results of his STD test. Maybe that's why he is MIA right now?

Flyboy I’m pretty much writing off too. He’s so hot and I love talking to him but the distance with him living an hour away and being so newly single…. I know he needs some time to enjoy the freedom I’ve had the past six months. I’ll still see him for the random hook up if it arises but I’m not putting any more effort in cultivating him.

So that pretty much leaves Team Miranda wide open. I’m trying not to encourage College Crush anymore though we still text quite frequently. I know he still has feelings and as much as I “like” him, I just feel like I’d be repeating some of the same patterns I had with Duckie. So I’m trying to keep him firmly in the friends category though it’s a tricky situation for sure.

I have the kids through Wednesday (when incidentally I get my IUD which I’m uber excited about – I can’t wait to not have to take the pill anymore!). I do have a date with High School crush lined up for Thursday night and then the rich country guy on Friday, which I’m getting excited about. He’s got potential, despite Jules and Gwyn’s scoffing as his country-ness, and I have enjoyed talking to him the last few days especially when I had some time to focus on him. He’s got money, ambition, a “healthy” attitude about his divorce, a big house, manners, and he’s 6’2 so you know I like that. And he seems really nice which I could use a healthy dose of after IT’s craziness.

Honestly, I’m feeling a little dating weary. I mean I love to go out and meet new people but I may just need to recycle boys for a while and take a break LOL. Sure, I say that now. In three days I’ll probably be booked for the next week and cultivating a whole new crop….


BTW - Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. Keep my family in your thoughts!


  1. I'll definitely be thinking about you guys tomorrow...much love flowing your way.
    I think sometimes it's nice to take a moment and have some "me" time. I've had a good amount this weekend and I've enjoyed it. Of course, I really love me and enjoy my own company immensely. ;)


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