Come and Take It

Remember when I first moved to this neighborhood and I walked in Gavin's one day, fucked him, and left? He just totally did it to me and it was AWESOME! As I stated, last night really didn't end up being very sexual at all...he made up for it tonight though. He didn't call, he just showed up. I heard what I thought was his truck slow down in front of my house, but we have a lot of traffic on the road here and since he always called...I assumed it wasn't him...until I heard a knock. I answered the door, said the hi, how are you thing and his reply was horny. He started kissing me and undressing me as we went into my bedroom. He had come over rock hard. Then he just commanded what he wanted between oral and penetration positions. I LOVE THAT. I'm not a submissive girl by any stretch of the imagination, until you get me in bed and then I will do wtf ever you say, when you say it as long as you're making me cum too. He went two rounds, got up, put his shorts on, and told me he had to leave because he has to get up early for work tomorrow. He kissed me and left.
Most women would be horrified reading this, but not me people...this is WHY Gavin gets to stay around. It is just so easy with him. I came several times and not once did I have to discuss how I feel about him or where I see our "relationship" going. Hell, I didn't even have to commit to when I'll see him again. If I happen to see him in public, I don't have to duck down behind an end cap to avoid talking to him.
Owen is on the agenda for tomorrow morning...yes, 2 different guys in just over 12 hours...feel free to judge, I don't care. I've missed them both and am very happy they are back!


  1. Love it! I don't blame you for keeping Gavin - he's got it! There is nothing sexier than a man who doesn't mince words but just knows what he wants and how to get it, instead of pussyfooting around and waiting for the lunar cycles to synchronize or some BS.

  2. AMEN!
    Plus, he's got the sexiest voice I've ever heard. I swear he could tell me to take the trash out and I would want to do him.

  3. I'm with you on the submissive thing, at least with the right guy! But I can't help but think about Gavin's girl's nasty butt! LOL


  4. LMAO, yes it does play through my mind sometimes when I kiss him. Alas, I'm over it...he's to much fun to get hung up on that.

  5. ROFL...yes, we do! OMG I HATE that toe thing...but we'll save it for the post. ;)


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