The Anticipation is Killing Me!

FJB is still on the upswing so to speak. He’s been emailing me pretty regularily, which never happened before. He’s very anti-personal business at work – no personal emails, no answering his cell phone, etc. He’s quite the little uber-employee.
So anyways, yesterday he emailed me something about the timing of our dinner on Wednesday and suggested that we actually eat at his house. Now this feels like a big deal because before, I never got the in-home invite. So I’m not sure what caused this change but I agreed because frankly, I’m hella curious about what the inside of his place looks like. I’ve seen pictures of the outside, yes I cyber-stalked him, but I can’t quite figure out if he’s going to have standard bachelor/college decor or something a little more precise, and upscale. Should be interesting to invade his inner sanctum.

He also volunteered to cook dessert – carrot cake specifically. I’ve never had a guy bake for me and this fits his personality so well it makes me laugh. FJB is quite the unique character. Gwyn and I were saying today that if we could get him and Undercover in a room together, it would be quite hilarious to watch their brainy/weird/awkwardness spontaneously combust.

I told FJBI was quite impressed with his new joie de vive what with the spontaneous hang out sessions, personal emailing, and inviting people into his personal domain. It’s like a completely new version of FJB, think FJB 2.0. Anyways, things are proceeding in an interesting manner but I still can’t figure out what the fuck he wants. Friends? More than friends? Who the hell knows anymore?

I’m still trying to do my best to be reserved in my feelings because honestly, FJB could easily get under my skin and I’m not sure I’m ready to feel all vulnerable and put myself out there like that. I’m also trying my damndest not to analyze this situation too much but clearly, from this post you can tell I’m failing miserably at that.

I do know with the potential resurgence of FJB all the other boys have been banished to the back burner for the time being untill I figure out what exactly is going on here. That simple fact should tell you all you need to know about my frame of mind…



  1. I love it when men cook and bake for me. It's so nice! I can't wait to hear about FJB's inner sanctum and how dinner goes!!

  2. Is it bad that there are so many illicit possibilities that this night could end with, yet I'm wondering how his Carrot Cake is going to turn out and whether he'll make the frosting from scratch?

  3. I would hope it would end with the frosting on me but knowing FJB, it will be a friends only night with a hug good bye. That man makes me insane. A woman can only take so much before I slip him a roofie and have my way with him...


    PS - Supposedly it's front scratch but we'll see.

  4. me cooking is sexy. It's kind of creative and can be quite sensual. I love to cook for a woman.

    But...baking? I don't know...doesn't seem real manly (and I have been told by more than a couple women that I'm "metro", for whatever that's worth!)

  5. LOL Maybe he'll put his carrot in your cake!

  6. Short Girl - HAHAHAHAHA! His carrot would be more than welcome in my cake! I bet his frosting is pretty sweet too! GAG! I grossed myself out with that pun!



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