What's Up with Men??

After seeing Gavin while Russell and I were looking at a house, I've been sort of stewing. I finally broke down and called him simply because the not knowing wtf was driving me nuts. He immediately knew why I was calling and apologized for not calling me. He said that since we had sex his ex has been calling non-stop and he just doesn't know what he wants to do. I told him I wished he'd figured that out BEFORE we had sex and that was part of the reason why I had made him wait (not entirely true...but whatever). He said the sex was great and he doesn't like to sleep around, but he apparently can't decide if he wants to be single and see me or go back to this woman. I told him it sounded like he needs to figure his shit out and call me when he decides. I wasn't all nice about it either...I was very firm and almost bitchy. I told him I thought he was being rude and disrepectful and that I didn't want to jump into a relationship with him, but he could at least show a little common courtesy. I'm thinking he's NOT the heat and definitely not the guy for me at this point. Apparently I'm just not psychotic enough for some men.


  1. Jules not psychotic enough? What has the world come to? Love ya!

  2. I know, isn't that something? This bitch apparently has her own special brand of crazy going on...she can have him. Damien thinks she got wind of me and that's why she's come back around.


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