Did You Make the Cut?

So lately I’ve been thinking about how weird it seems that I think about Duckie so little. I mean it’s totally an out of sight, out of mind issue going on here. From the day I moved out, it’s like he’s been erased from my mind and unless I’m specifically telling someone about him I don’t even think of him. Just seems weird that someone I spent 12 years with has so little impact on my mind now. Interesting….

One thing I’ve noticed in my marathon-dating run I’ve been on is that guys are often willing to ask you out, but rarely prepared with a plan. More than once I’ve been asked out, I say yes, and then the guy says, “What do you want to do?” I mean, you’re the one doing the asking, have a freaking plan guys. Very unattractive. I will give Lawyer Boy big props here because he had a well thought out plan that involved multiple locations and all. Pat on the back for him.

Speaking of boys. I had to start cutting the team, as my girl here at work suggested this week. Too much was going on with too many boys. It was stressing me out! Let’s do the boy dish shall we?

#1 – Sawyer – Since his emotional drama of the weekend he’s been interesting to deal with to say the least. I pretty much gave him hell all week about the crap he tried to pull and he’s used the old “I was drunk” card though I’ve called him on his BS. He says we need to “talk” to clear the air even though I told him I don’t care what he said on Saturday. I know exactly where we stand and I’m not playing that game with him. At any rate, I shall update you after we talk. Sawyer is borderline on the team. Not sure that he’s staying or going. I was hoping Kane would take his place but we’ll see about that.

#2 – Lawyer Boy – Hmmmm, where to start with this one. He’s definitely a keeper. Even after the scandalous end to our first date, he’s played by all the rules, calling me every day, touching base, all the good things a guy is supposed to do. He gave me the funniest compliment this week too. Said I look like a character out of one of his favorite video games from back in the day. Apparently, to him I favor Anna Williams from Tekken. Google it and get a laugh. For anyone who doesn’t know me in real life, I hate to burst your bubble, but I’m not nearly as stacked as she is lol. He’s delicious and I feel a bit dreamy about him, especially since he told me he really likes me. We’re going out again on Saturday and planning to spend some serious time together Sunday during the day. Lawyer Boy is definitely first string on the team.

#3 – Motorcycle Man – He’s a hoot to borrow Jules’ expression. This one is keeping me on my toes. He definitely can talk some shite and he’s definitely got some swagger. Sort of like a grown up version of Sawyer but without the wife and emotional game playing. He definitely likes me too, not bragging, he said it himself. He did tell me that if we started to seriously date each other, he’d expect me to pull down my profile at Pof! I laughed and said I would expect the same. He also questioned me if I had a boyfriend. Said my “availability” was suspicious LOL. I told him it’s called having a life and having kids. We’re supposed to have dinner tonight and then go out again tomorrow night. Back to back dates, what can I say? He’s a first stringer too.

#4 – Kane – Finally, at long last, we were supposed to meet up last night. I went out for wine after work with the girls and was supposed to text/call him when I was on my way. I did my duty and texted him, no answer. So I headed home. I’m not fool. Never heard back from him either until this morning. About 10 I had texted him again and said, “You’re a punk and you know it.” His answer to me today, “I know I am a punk. I don’t want to even get in to making excuses. I’m sorry.” I answered back that at least he was man enough to admit it. Not sure that he’s entirely kicked off the team but he’s definitely benched and will be watching from the sidelines for a while. If he ever wants to meet up again he’s gonna have to bring major freaking game.

#5 – High School Crush – Had a close call with a Booty Call last night with him. I resisted though. Shew! He’s hot and all but, I’ve got too many other boys at the moment. Absolutely keeping him on the team though.

#6 – College Crush – The flirting via text definitely kicked up a notch or two this week. I can feel him getting ready to cross the line and ask me out but I’m trying to put him off a bit. I’ve already got my hands full and I still haven’t seen a picture of him. I’m not about to be a chubby chaser, not with hot Lawyer Boy and Motorcycle Man both who have blazing bodies. But I’m keeping him on the team for a while longer.

#7 – Toe Boy/Potentially Gay Best Friend – He actually had a temper tantrum this week when he said something to the effect of I don’t want to share you with other guys you are seeing. Um, for real? This is the same dude who made me pay for my own dinner? Whatever! I told him that’s reality as is the fact that we live almost 2 hours away from each other and I’m sure not about to ever drive to see him again. He’s cut from the team. I might play with him via email but it will solely be a virtual relationship.

#8 – Crazy Date Boy – In a moment of too much niceness, I actually agreed to go out with crazy date boy again this week. Thankfully, my girl at work had my back, she smacked me around a little, and I broke the date with him. He did not take it well. LOL. He got the ax.

#9 – Texas – Sweet, sweet Texas. What to say? Texas is actually moving back to Texas in May so this one is short lived unless he wants to start flying me back and forth lol. But we still chat pretty much every day for at least an hour or two. Supposedly, we’re going to get together before he moves but who knows. He may remain forever a virtual fantasy. But I’m keeping him on the team – well for now LOL.

Geeze, 9 boys, that is obnoxious. But I’ll admit I’m also a little secretly proud. Now that’s fucked up! LOL. And there’s a new one lurking on the horizon but I’m not sure what about him yet or if I can handle another one. He’s a DJ….can you guess what his nickname will be?



  1. I'm pretty darned impressed by your résumé right now. Sorry to hear you had to ax PGBF. He was so entertaining to read about! hahahaha

  2. LMAO - the student is now the teacher! ;) Good call on your cuts. Got to get rid of the low hanging fruit...

  3. Hey Diner - Though PGBF is off the team I'm still keeping up with him through chat and texting. After a few days of pouting he started chatting me up again. Seems he just can't get me out of his mind LOL.

    I'm gonna keep working to turn him gay.


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