Happiness is...

I'm looking for wall art online for the new house at Etsy.com. I love the stuff on there and I'm a big fan of supporting small time artists (mostly b/c they are in my budget). Anyway, I am currently shopping for something cool to put on the big blank wall in the kitchen where I hope to one day have a bar. I'm looking for fun quotes and such and just found this one. It made me laugh out loud. It's true, unless he's GAY.
"Happiness is being married to your best friend". Would that not be a hoot to put up?
PS I also learned this is text speak for vagina ({*})...weird.


  1. Go with a Rodney Dangerfield quote! Something like:

    "My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met."

  2. With me, nothing goes right. My psychiatrist said my wife and I should have sex every night. Now, we'll never see each other!
    -Rodney Dangerfield

    Sorry, last one, I promise :)


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