Duckie is still an ass - pt 2

So just a quick note to start the day with the appropriate level of outrage. Leo casually mentioned to me that Duckie lets him stay up till about midnight every weekend now and oh by the way, they watched THE HANGOVER together. Seriously!!!! Seriously!!!!! He let a 9 year old watch that movie!!!! And yet he thinks I'm not living up to my parenting duties because I didn't take Ladybug outside to play one day when it was hot as hell. Hmmm.........



  1. Hang on a moment... Isn't this the man that asked you to read your kids BIBLE stories?! LMAO
    You should ask him if he considers the Hangover to be a parable.

  2. I don't like to take sides, but that really undermines his credibility when he wants to criticize YOUR parenting skills.


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