Hawaii Rules!

Just a quick programming note.  Jules and I have been pretty much only looking at the eye candy but I expect it's gonna be on real soon here.  Hawaii is too freaking beautiful for words and the pictures I'm taking do it no justice!

In boy news, ever since I left three of my main four have been blowing up my phone with text.  Sheesh!  Tuesday night while I was supposed to be sleeping I had a ridiculous two hour text and phone conversation with Flyboy.  I swear, just thinking about him......  Anyways it started as a text conversation and then it got a little dirty lol. He wanted a sexy pic so I sent him a PG one, then one that was a little dirtier, then one that was way dirty.  While I was sending him these pics, he was playing a golf video game with a friend and he was trying to finish the game so he could call me and we could actually talk. Well after that last pic was sent, I got this text, "Give me one more hole and then I'll call."  LMFAO!  I wasn't thinking that he was playing a golf game and I thought he was asking for a pic of something else entirely.  It caused me to pause for quite a few moments and consider if he was a freak or not.  I eventually sent a text back that said "WTF???" and he answered we are finishing the last hole in the game.  I thought I was going to never stop laughing when I realized my misinterpretation.  Anyways, eventually he did call and we had an amazing hot conversation that wrapped up with a little smoking phone sex.  Never thought I'd be a fan of phone sex but....

College Crush has been texting me like crazy.  When I get back from Hawaii we are supposed to hang out for a few hours before I head home.  We're talking about taking a little mini-vacation together which Gwyn screams is a bad idea but Jules thinks is a great idea (I mean hell it's a free vacation).  It's like Gwyn and Jules are the little angel and devil that sit on my shoulders lol.  Only they seem to rotate in as the angle or the devil.  Apparently my first night here I sent him a drunken text that woke him up (it was like 5:30 am in NC).  When he told me about it and that it'd waken him up, I apologized, and he said, "It's alright baby.  There's no one else I'd rather be waken up by."  Let's all audibly sigh together AWWWWWW.

SoCo has been texting me a lot too.  He told me he can't wait till I'm back and he can see how much more tan I am and give me a big hug. Hmmmmm.  Also Pool John has been really pissed at SoCo for hooking up with me and I finally had to tell Pool John his anger was misplaced.  SoCo didn't chase me around the bar that night. I was the one flirting first.  He just responded in kind.  Boys!

Randomly I got yet another text from Lawyer Boy of the "I'm sorry I'm so wrapped up in studying" variety.  That shit annoys me mostly because I never complain about it.  Whatever!

Oh and Texas (who has been benched at least I thought so) is doing his damndest to rearrange his schedule and convince me to hang out with him on my layover in Dallas on the way back to NC.  Please note my layover is from 5:30 am - 7:30 am.  Really?  He's gonna get up at the ass crack of dawn, drive 2 hours to the airport just to hang out with me looking all grungy from an overnight plane ride for like an hour or so max?  He needs to figure out what he wants lol.

Ah well, another day in paradise here.  Today snorkeling and hot boys are on tap!  Hurrah!



  1. I simply have a strict vacationing policy but it doesn't work for everyone :)

    Please keep the texts coming. They are cracking me up trying to picture what you two are up to.



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