Hasta La Vista Nerd Boy

I had my second and final date with Nerd Boy last night. I figured I owed him at least one more date since he so chivalrously went and found my lost earring in the park. Since I was traveling back in town from work I got in pretty late so I suggested we just do something low key like a movie.

We met at the theater and he very happily produced the earring in question. I was a little worried that he’d pull the old “oh I forgot it, just come back to my place after the movie” move but he didn’t. Sadly over the last few days I had hoped his nerdiness had been embellished in my mind and that’d he’d be a whole lot less nerdy in person, but he wasn’t – still a big goober. He even wore mandals yall! Mandals with cargo shorts! I mean really. (If you don’t know what mandals are they are incredibly tevia-ish sandals that guys, particularly older guys, wear and think they look cool.)

Following Gwyn’s advice (she’s become my guru on getting rid of guys you really don’t want to date) I intended to buy my own ticket to really set this date up as friends. However, Nerd Boy outsmarted me and had bought the tickets in advance. He also came bearing my favorite movie candy which was sweet. Well played Nerd Boy, well played.

We stood outside for just a moment chatting and I looked over my shoulder at something and turned back around to find him totally in my face kissing me. There wasn’t much of a way to avoid it so I did kiss him but when he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth I did pull back big time.

So anyways we strolled in the movie and found a seat. We saw Inception by the way. Awesome movie! I highly recommend you go check it out. The place was pretty packed and immediately Nerd Boy was trying to hold my hand and he tried to kiss me several more times. I so wanted to say, “Dude! We’re not in high school! Even if I wanted to make out with you I damn sure wouldn’t do it in a crowded theater!” But I just used my best blocking tactics and every time he held my hand I’d find a reason to let go after a minute or when he’s try to lean in for a kiss he was met with my cheek, not my lips. Eventually he did give up on the hand holding and just rested his hand on my knee most of the movie though at one point he literally did the old yawn, stretch, put your arm around the girl move. LOL!

At the end of the date he suggested to either go grab a drink or desert or just walk around a bit. I had to fight my best people pleasing urges and I thought to myself, “What would Gwyn do?” LMFAO! I did decline continuing on the date. Gwyn’s so proud of me! He walked me to my car and attempted to make out with me in the parking lot. Sheesh. I like a good PDA as much as the next person but you cannot be making out in public! Well ok you can but only when you really, really like the person. HA! I could tell he was looking for some further date being planned but all I did was thank him for the movie and tell him to be careful driving home.

Nerd Boy is a really nice guy and he’s cute but 1 – he’s a total nerd and not in a good way, and 2 – there are so many things about him that remind me of Duckie! Homie don’t play that my friends. Been there, done that, didn’t like it, and I’m not going back again. I’m sure Nerd Boy will make some woman very happy but it’s not going to be this girl!

Funnily enough, I checked my phone after the movie and I had about 10 messages from College Crush asking me where I was, what I was doing, and who I was with. As soon as I was in my car I did text him back and then called him. I actually told him the truth because it totally worked without even being massaged in this instance. Told him I was out with my friend (Nerd Boy’s real name because it can also be a girl’s name) and that we’d been to the movies LOL! I’ve noticed when I go out and College Crush knows it, he’s been asking for a lot more details lately. Wanting to know where I am and who I’m out with. Interesting, very interesting….

Not sure what will go on tonight. I don’t have any boy booked yet for this evening and again following Gwyn’s instructions I’m trying to not feel the need to have every second of my free time booked with a boy but it’s hard. I’m used to as my mom coined it “my party girl lifestyle” which includes going out every night that I can. I’ll keep ya posted.



  1. Nerd Boy sounds sooo high school... I don't think I could deal with that!

    I feel that same need to have every moment of free time filled with someone to see. I managed to do it earlier this week though and I just felt... well... bored!

  2. Oh my lord woman, CC LOVES you. ;)

  3. I am sooooo proud of you for cutting this guy loose. Welcome to the world of being cold hearted, or what I like to call logical lol. I'm breaking my no blog rule today but I couldn't stand not knowing the date details!


  4. Just a quick follow up. Nerd Boy texted me quite a few times yesterday and I didn't answer! Go me!

    I will admit in my desperation of boredom last night I caught myself with the lingering idea of texting him but I resisted!



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