Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was a pretty low key day, but some cool/funny stories have come from it. I got up this morning and went to work out (I know...can you stand it?) with my trainer. My trainer made me run on the beach today (which is NOT my favorite activity). When we got out onto the sand and finished stretching, Damien looked up and saw "Jack rhymes with Smohnson" on the beach. He knows him and we went over to talk to him. Damien introduced me to him (GIRLY SQUEAL!). Jack was out on the beach playing with two of his kids. It was so freaking cool!
Then we started running down the beach...I'm not going to lie...I struggle hard core with this. I can run so much farther and more gracefully on pavement...sand is a challenge. The sand here is not packed hard like East Coast sand either. So, I get up to the beach park we are running to and I'm huffing and puffing and about to d-i-e...I look up and there is Owen's van. I am SURE that he has now witnessed this display from his lifeguard tower. Owen has been super encouraging and supportive of the working out thing, but I'm thinking he probably did NOT want to witness the process...it ain't pretty folks. Anyway, it provided a good laugh for some people and I thought ya'll might enjoy the image. I did not get to see him for more sex today (though he probably would have cancelled after that display anyway) because our schedules just did not align.
In new news, I'm chatting up a new guy from Craig's List. I know, I know...I just said I was taking a break...but break may be over. He's a hottie! He's 31, a surfer, has a j-o-b, has a Master's degree in Info Systems, is single (and has been for 6 months), and has a sense of humor. Yay!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahaha, well what fun is taking breaks if not to recharge yourself for new projects? You can handle it! :)


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