Duckie is Still An Ass - Part 4

So I knew me going to Hawaii would be an issue for Duckie. I emailed him a very polite request talking about day camp for Leo this summer with an “oh by the way” note I’ll be on vacation this one week and asking if he could keep the kids an extra night or two. I figured it was just a matter of time before he’d want to know where I was going exactly.

I got an email back asking me to call him. So I sucked it up and called him tonight. He wanted to know where I was going and I coyly said I was just taking a little trip. He persisted in asking where I was going so I said casually I was going to go see Jules. After a moment, he said isn’t that you friend in Hawaii? LOL. I said yes and I could see the steam coming out of his ears through the phone.

He asked how I could afford the trip since money was so tight. Which I am being careful but the truth is I have more disposable income now than I did living with him. Weird I know but that’s how the money is working out. Of course all the boys subsidizing my dining out income/drinking income could be helping! HA! I could tell he was spoiling for a fight so I cleverly played the game of technically telling the truth while omitting the reality. I told him I had found a great price (true) and my mom had offered to pay for me to go (which is technically true though I told her no way). He stammered a “what, that’s crazy, etc.”

I quickly tried to get off the phone after that because that was clearly for the best. He’s such a fucking loser! I don’t ask him what he’s doing with the freaking alimony I’m paying him each month. If he wants to use it for toilet paper to wipe his whiney ass that’s his choice. If I reacted the way I wanted to, my true nature, I would have told him it was none of his fucking business. But I’m still trying to play nice until the divorce is final or he causes me to have an aneurysm. Lord, please send Duckie some foolish girl who he will immediately fall in love with and then he’ll be her problem.



  1. That last line sent me over the edge...LMAO here. I cannot wait for you to get here! I need come gf - wine therapy time. I'm trying to send Chloe to NC the weekend before you come! ;)

  2. Eventually we're going to start seeing headings titled "Duckie is still an Ass, part 26" LOL

  3. ESPECIALLY given that you're paying HIM alimony (I'm all about equal rights, and I wouldn't blink at child support, but ALIMONY? Have some self respect man...) it really ISN'T any of his business how you spend your money.

    Lord, please send Duckie some foolish girl who he will immediately fall in love with and then he’ll be her problem.

    Someone needs to put this on a coffee mug for you with the heading: "The Divorcée's Prayer".


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