Adam, This One Is For You

So, I told you guys I was chatting up a potential new boy seems he really was too good to be true. I've been texting and emailing him for a week - steadily (like a gazillion times a day). He even called me on Monday...all sounded good and legit. Yesterday, I asked him for his last name...said it was a rule that I know it before I meet someone. He said I would and then bam...nothing. I sent him an email and it bounced back...scary, weird CL story for you guys. I dedicated it to Adam since he's always complaining about the fake people on that site. I guess sometimes it DOES happen to girls too.
Things here kind of suck this week. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the new way of things. I honestly no longer love Russell and most days I don't even want to be friends with him, but I'm having a hard time letting go so to speak. He's seeing someone and it just pisses me off. (I know, I know...unfair...I've been seeing people for years...but it just does, ok.) I can't leave because he's my meal ticket while I'm in school and because I honestly do want him around for Chloe. ANYWAY, I suppose time will make it all easier and I should be patient (or find a way to kill him in his sleep).
I was working out with Damien today and he told me that he's in love with I didn't even know what to say to that. I can't go there...he has a live in girlfriend (who I like) and we are so very fundamentally different. I like him a lot as a friend, but in love...whoa! He said he plans to wait for me to come around.


  1. Well, yes, I have been on the other side of that "faker" coin more times than I care to admit, but it still SUCKS. I mean...I get it that there are people out there who like to pretend to be someone else online, but that is just SO not my thing. You try to be "real" and be yourself and all that and then you think you find someone that likes you for the real "you" and...they turn out to be phony. Sorry, but that's just childish. Sorry it happened to you.

  2. Bummer on the new boy toy. WTF on Damien! Girl. Crazy just follows you around!

  3. I'm reading entries backwards, so apologies, but the fact that your email bounced back DOES sort of reinforce what he said about his Hotmail getting shut down. Or that he had to close it up for reasons you don't know each other well enough yet for him to share with you.

    I honestly no longer love Russell and most days I don't even want to be friends with him, but I'm having a hard time letting go so to speak. He's seeing someone and it just pisses me off. (I know, I know...unfair...I've been seeing people for years...but it just does, ok.)

    I think we all understand what that's like. But hey, if healthy relationships were easy, everyone would be doing it.


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