Time to Ride Off into the Sunset?

So Motorcycle Man (MM) had that temper tantrum last week and he was MIA for several days. I texted him a few times trying to figure out what was really going on but he’s not responded a single time. Okayyyyyyy. Maybe instead of turning 45 he was really turning 14?

He did finally start to text me and call me and then Friday on my date with the Giant, he called me FOUR times and sent several text messages. He wants to see me again and I’m not exactly sure what I want to do about that though. I didn’t return any of his calls on Friday so I’m betting he’s pissed at me again. Apparently the first time he was pissed it was because I chose to hang out with one of my girlfriends (AKA FJB) instead of him. You know, that’s a big strike against him. I already went through all that jealousy with friends crap with Duckie.

Talking to Adam, one of our regular blog posters, I told him there’s a part of me that wants to chase MM down and “make up” with him. It feels like a very unsettling end to what was a fun relationship. Just not what I expected out of a grown man. That being said, I’m wondering if it’s time to bid him adieu and let him ride off into the sunset on that sweet Harley of his.

I know he wants a relationship and I just don’t know that we are relationship compatible. He was really struggling with the idea that my availability was limited by me having my kids half the time and by the fact that I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to spend the night at his house when his 12 year old daughter was there. I know I’m not paragon of virtue but even I know you don’t have sleepovers while your kids are at home.

I mean I love a redneck (re: Sawyer or the Giant) but it’s hard to imagine MM fitting into my daily life. I think my family might fall out if I brought him home simply because he’s so opposite of Duckie. I do love the redneck lifestyle though and he was a lot of fun. Maybe he’s just better off with that skanky girl in the saloon girl shirt….

Reader poll time – you tell me what to do. Should he stay on Team Miranda or get the big cut?



  1. My vote is let him go...too many strikes and too many better offers on your end.

  2. I'd vote for him to go as well. After all, you can't expect ALL these relationships you've recently cultivated to last forever, right? Some will naturally have shorter lives than others. I can understand your not wanting it to end with him mad at you or whatever, but it kind of seems to me that it'll eventually end that way anyway so why not go ahead and end it now before you get any deeper and make it tougher on yourself (and him)?

    I have to be honest though and tell you that I do find it a bit odd that the things you have gotten upset with him over are the same things you yourself are doing (i.e. seeing other people and being M.I.A for long periods of time). What's that about, exactly? I mean, you got a little peeved about "saloon shirt girl", right? But yet you've dated and "been with" other men in that same time period, right? I suppose that unlike MM, you are at least being discreet about it though.

    Overall though, I agree with Jules - sounds like you have plenty of other options. Plus, you just wrote in this post that you don't know that you and MM are relationship compatible. I think that's your answer right there.


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