I Need to be Medicated

I feel like I may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown - or more likely a workplace rampage shooting. Since work has ruined my mood for the week, I really don't feel like blogging much. To spare you my melancholy attitude I'm going to simply list my recent man-team updates. I apologize in advance for the lack of humor and wit.
  • The Barber stood me up on Friday and I haven't heard from him as of yet - not surprising at all, gives you an insight as to why we are no longer together
  • The Inmate cancelled for Sunday morning because his 'girlfriend' wanted to surprise him and go with him to church to see his mom for Mother's Day - this resulted in me telling him that obviously this girl is completely in love with him and I don't want to do anything to hurt her so maybe we should stop talking until that is all settled; started feeling like I was on the Maury Povich show
  • Crossfit has a crazy schedule again this week, and I didn't hear anything from him over the weekend. I told him via text that it's getting frustrating to be the one who's always making the effort and he replied "I am sorry about that :) I will do a better job." That was yesterday so I guess now I just wait and see. His sister's wedding is this weekend so looks like I'll be waiting awhile.
  • Truck Driver - went to hang out with him on Friday night (he begged me to spend the night and I had to put him off until I was sure The Barber was going to flake on me), one thing led to another and I ended up looking through his phone and found out he has been lying to me about other girls - I'm not mad at all that he is seeing other girls (one other girl to be specific), how could I be, but upset that when I asked him to be honest with me about it he lied. I gave him so many chances to tell me. Everything he's asked me about other guys I've been honest about so I expect the same in return. Anyways, he spent the rest of the weekend trying to make it up to me. I spent the night with him again on Saturday and hung out with him Sunday night until he had to hit the road again. He's back on the road now until at least this Friday. I laughed at myself when I realized that I spent basically the entire weekend with the member of the man-team that was previously on very thin ice.
That's all I've got for now.


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