News of the Weird

No sooner had I hit send yesterday on that post then the Hungarian starts drunk texting me things...the first weird one was when he sent one saying "I luv U.". I assumed he was just being drunk and stupid and told him I was chalking that text up to too much alcohol. He said he was going to stop texting and we'd talk later, which I thought was a splendid idea...until about an hour later when I got another text from him. This was one asked, "Will U b my GIRLFRIEND?". WTF??? Dude, I've know you what...a week? Now I really like this guy and he treats me like a total princess, so I'm going to try to let it slide that a week into this he's professing feelings...but c'mon. Why must men do this? My response to him was "Let's see how the weekend goes...ask me again later". You know like in 6 -12 months or something...I realize I'm not your typical girl and most women would cream in their panties for a guy that wanted to be with them so quickly, but I'm not like most women. I have commitment issues.
In other news, Russell is irritating me today. I don't know why but it's one of those days where the very fact that he's living and breathing is pissing me off. How was I ever in love with this man, really?? I'm glad to be leaving for the weekend because if I wasn't...things could get ugly here. Now to his credit, he really hasn't done much to deserve this particular rant...I just woke up today hating him.


  1. Hahaha, you don't bullshit yourself when it comes to how you feel, do you?

    Just based on details you're sharing on the blog, strictly as an outsider looking in, I got to say that the Hungarian is coming off sort of creepy.

  2. LOL yes Diner Nighthawk, we're definitely not the bullshitting kinds of girls. Least we try not to be!


  3. Yeah, I'm perplexed by it all...he's becoming a little needy. I'm curious to see how he plays my 2 week bff visit...that will be a good test of his nuttiness. ;)


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