Arggg Matey

I’ve got an interesting one on the line right now. I’m not entirely sure what to think yet. Gaines has texted me all week about getting back together. I guess Tuesday wasn’t as boring for him as it was for me. We were supposed to go snorkeling tomorrow, but honestly I’d rather hang with Chloe and Russell. This speaks volumes because if it were someone that I was hot for, I’d ditch them to go in a second. I kid slightly…anyway, he’s a nice enough guy but I’m just not “feeling” it.

New guy posted a CL ad under this headline “New Bad Boy in Town”. This appears to be only slightly true since he’s been here almost a year, but whatever. I guess that’s still new. Damien reminds me frequently that if you’ve been here less than a decade, you’re “new”. Island people can be weird with outsiders. Anyway, it appears that Mr. NY as I shall refer to him is here for the filming of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I’m drawn to a bad boy like a moth to a flame. I can’t help myself. I love the excitement of it. People that play by the rules and live within all the norms of life bore me. So, we emailed and texted last night and at 12:30am he asked if he could call me. I was so in the bed with my door open and the fan on, but I said ok. We talked for about 30 minutes and he’s so very NY. He’s got the accent and the attitude. I think I like him though. We’re talking about hanging out tonight, but it depends on his shooting schedule. He’s very impressed with himself that he’s an actor btw. He was apparently also in Lost (I haven’t nailed down yet if he was more than an extra and I know he wasn’t in the first 3 seasons because I haven’t seen him before.) and in Scrubs because he sent me a pic of himself with the Scrubs sign thing in the background. Actually the first picture he sent me was of himself in character for Pirates and I told him he wasn’t my type at all…but he said it’s only until August, so I’m going to try and get past it. When he’s all clean shaven (which he swears he prefers), he’s pretty freaking cute.

I curious to see where this goes…I do like the East Coast boys. (Oh and he’s 29…a year under my preferred age, but he seems pretty mature.)

UPDATE: I wrote this at work yesterday and didn't have time to publish it. Last night, I went to town to hang out with Mr. NY and it was 3 hours of awesome sex, President Clinton style. He totally looks like a pirate and I'm very much looking forward to August when he shaves, but the man has skills. The only problem is that he's not super huge...I mean like average size, but for a 6'3" man I was expecting Owen size (he's Owen's height...shouldn't they be the same size there??).


  1. I keep trying to tell you ladies, a man's height, shoe size, hand size, nose size, have almost nothing (if anything) to do with the size of the package. Glad you had fun though, matey!

  2. A pirate? That sounds hot to me!

  3. You need a T-Shirt that says "I Had Sex with a Pirate, President Clinton Style."


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