The Kitty Was Bad Today

Bad, bad, bad kitty...the brain knows better, but sometimes the kitty has a mind of her own. I got up this morning and went out on the porch to have breakfast with Russell before he went to see his boy toy and then onto work. As I'm sitting on the porch eating breakfast, I can see Gavin's house. I would like to point out before I go too much further into this tale that I know his gf was there this morning because I could see her. I'm not sure why I feel the need to point it out, as it does NOT make me look like a better person in this story...but I'll go for honesty at this stage in the game.
Russell leaves the house...Owen texts saying he doesn't know what's up today...he's not sure he can get away. I'm kind of pissed with him about this because hello, it's Tuesday. Tuesdays are Owen-Jules sex days. And then the phone rings and it's Gavin and I answer it...why, oh why? The kitty is bad, that's why. He asks if I want to come hang out. I reply "Um, where's your gf?. You know, because I saw her there like a nano second ago. I tell him that I guess so (as it seems she's working). I shower and do a few things around the house and he calls again to ask if I'm on the way. Dude, look out your back door? Do you see me? Does it look like I'm otw?? I know what he meant, but still...kind of funny question when he can see the answer to this very question. I told him I was taking the trash out and then I'd stop by. I have to walk by his house everytime I take the trash out or go get the mail...kind of awkward sometimes, sometimes not.
So, I took the trash out, walked onto his back porch, shot the shit for all of about 3 minutes, went inside, fucked him, got up, got dressed, and walked out the door. He's following me and talking as I'm leaving. I'm not sure if he wanted me to stay or what. I'm no longer interested in dating him with the clusterfuck that is his gf, so why would I stay to chat beyond the mission? Men are hilarious. I've got to say though that the sex was just ok...nothing near great and nothing close to what it was when I actually liked him. One of several things has happened. 1. I was sober at 11am today, which could be a big part of it. 2. I no longer really like him and I knew better than to be there. or 3. He wasn't really that good to begin with and I just overinflated it in my head. It could also be a combo of the three. At any rate, I think I got him out of my system this morning. Now that's not to say that should another sex drought come about, I won't trek back over...but I'm thinking I'm not missing much there.
The grandparents are visiting tonight until Sunday, so unless I have some good Russell stories...probably will be a quiet week.
PS Still no word since Friday from the potential new guy...I'm back to thinking that was a weird CL thing.


  1. Bwahahahahaha! I'm dying at your story. It's such a gender role reversal. Gwyn and I have talked about how funny it is that right now in our lives, we are totally acting like guys and our guys are acting like girls. Must be something in the air...


  2. So, I took the trash out, walked onto his back porch, shot the shit for all of about 3 minutes, went inside, fucked him, got up, got dressed, and walked out the door.

    That totally sounds like it could have come out of a Seinfeld episode if you substitute "fucked him" with "yadda yadda yadda." :)

    I'm actually digging how decisive and... clinical you're getting about all this. It either works for you, or it doesn't, or it doesn't now but could possibly serve a purpose in some situation one day. Your clarity of thought is impressive.

  3. OMG I loved show ever. I'm thinking my clarity of thought today wasn't overly impressive as it was ruled by the kitty and NOT my brain, but my purpose was served. ;) I got what I needed.

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