The Perfect Storm
I’ve spent A LOT of time since this weekend in my own head and I have to say though it’s been enlightening, it’s not been a very fun place to be. After I let go of some of my oh so righteous anger with Coach, I started to feel that comment someone put on the Fuck My Life post niggling at the back of my mind. Anonymous said... I've been reading your blog for a bit, lurking around, and you've been fucking up this thing with Coach from the beginning. Is he free and clear? No, but you've gone out of your way to lie to him, spy on him, "catch" him, and sabotage this whole thing. If I had caught you "hacking" into my e-mail just once your ass would have been on the street. Ouch. Reality check much? It’s not to say that Coach’s behavior is ok. Understand that. But I’ve come to realize that my issues – my wounds – played a much bigger role in turning Miranda manic over the last few months then I ever would have thought. It’s a lot to say and it’s comp...