Pause For a Moment
I need to push the pause button for a moment b/c I have NO idea what to do and that's an unusual phenomena for me. The Hungarian sent me all those crazy texts Friday night and it sent me into lukewarm mode. I was a little afraid of our weekend plans after those texts and I was hating Russell yesterday (which I'm over btw) and when I got to the Hungarian's house yesterday I was feeling a little chilly...until he opened an awesome bottle of wine that one of his friends (who are winemakers!) gave him and then I started to loosen up. I'm a sucker for makes me a nicer person...but when I got there initially I was annoyed with him. My annoyance was probably left over for the texts the night before, but also from Russell. I realized it quickly and suggested that we leave his house for food and wine ASAP. He opened the wine, took me out for Greek food, and things improved. He actually ordered my food for me, which is not something I love at all, but it was I...