Porn Star Sex

Gavin's home!! :) I missed him a little. Actually, I was a little pissy with him for not calling this weekend while he was gone but I was sick and he was having fun with his kid, so I got over it. He called me like 4 times today before he finally came over this evening. He was dying for some when he got here about 5:30, but since Russell was home sleeping and Chloe was out playing I told him "No". I was laying on the couch, watching TV, and enjoying not being in class. He's not really one to take no for an answer, especially with sex so he pursued it and I ended up letting him get me off with his fingers until Chloe came back home. He knew he was prepping me for some hot sex after she went to sleep, which he got.

We hung out watching TV (his house lacks cable if you wonder why we watch so much TV) and such until she went to sleep and then he brought my laptop out into the living room and started playing with me again. He asked me to please suck his cock, but to just tease him...not to do it well. I don't really know how to not do it well, but I teased to the best of my ability. I like giving other men head, but there is something about Gavin's cock that I love having in my mouth. This is probably wayyyy TMI, but it's almost soothing for me to just lay there and have him in my mouth while he pets me and talks to me in that deep voice of his. It's almost like a pacifier or something. (Feel free to mock me...)

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and pulled him into my room. He put me onto the bed and started licking my ass. This is one of those things that I never thought I would like, until someone did it and I've been a big fan every since. When he licks my ass, it means he's getting it wet to fuck. He did me doggie style for a little bit and after I came all over his cock, he took it out, flipped me over, and entered my ass. We went for a really long time like this as I fingered myself and he gave it to me nice and hard. I love to watch him watching's so hot.

After we finished this round, we went back out to watch the news and he scooted over beside me and asked if I would play with him some more. One of the things that I adore about both Owen and Gavin is their ability to match my sex drive. Let me assure you that this takes some doing. I was more than happy to put him back in my mouth (yes, he washed it off first) and get him super hard again. He took me back into my bedroom where I gave him a handjob while he played with my breasts and pinched my nipples until I was almost screaming. He took my breasts and squeezed them together and as I was jacking him off came all over them. He keeps telling me how much bigger my tits seems lately, which coupled with my lack of desire for wine is totally freaking me out. I'm supposed to start my period this week and I'm praying hard for it (figuratively since I'm an atheist and all).

Meanwhile, Clark was texting me this evening asking me to come over and spend the night. I declined, especially when I figured out that his main motivation was so I could drive his sorry ass to work tomorrow. When I questioned why he didn't go rent a car while his is being repaired, he told me his license expired and he can't. Then he got pissy and said he would just take a taxi to work tomorrow. Splendid idea especially since I live an hour away, have a child, will be doing practicum 30 minutes from my house tomorrow which is in the complete opposite direction of him, and have NO business on that side of the island anyway...jackass. The girls have empowered me to think about this long and hard before traveling down this road again. I'm thankful for their intervention and I hope I can stay motivated to keep away from him. I was strong today, but it helped that Gavin's sexy ass was in my bedroom at the time I was texting with him.

Owen is in heat right now too. Is there something in the stars right now that has everyone's sex drive in full throttle? That man has been blowing my phone up way more than normal and I've got to say I'm loving it. Now that my schedule is so insane, he's made it his personal mission in life it seems to figure out a time each week that we can still squeeze in some orgasms. I appreciate a man on a mission and we are taking every opportunity we can find.


  1. I'm going to restrain from mocking you for the pacifier comment solely because it's way too funny! Maybe all your current team feels the intrusion of the crazy (aka Clark) and they are trying to remind you of what a good situation you already have and how you really don't need that drama in your life now or EVER!



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