Up Yours

Ok, I really don't blog too much about things that aren't mine to tell...but this was too good to pass up. Last night Gavin told me a story I have to believe because it was just too crazy to have been fabricated. It was a story about when he was 18 and living in CA that he was the boy toy to a famous singer from one of my all time favorite bands for about a 2 month time period. This is not the point of the story. He was telling me that Ms. Nicks was such a coke fiend that she could no longer snort it (and this was 20+ yrs ago, as he's 41 now). Instead, she would give him a $1000 to go buy it, he would then put it into a straw, and wait for it...blow it up her ass. I was actually left a little speechless by this, which is something in and of itself. Of course then I started thinking about it...
Today I was sitting on the beach and decided to share this tale with Miranda and our friend, Josie. After about 45 minutes of texting, I was questioning if this mode of use would really work and Josie finally reveals that  she thinks it would work because she knows it works with alcohol. As it turns out, she used to soak tampons in vodka and put them in her ass and assured me of the effectiveness of this delivery system into one's body. I had no idea.
Meanwhile, Miranda's at dinner sharing these tales that I've texted her and apparently some of her girlfriends were aware of all of this...again, I had no clue but now you know I got to try it.


  1. LMAO, that's the beauty...if you don't like the taste of alcohol, you don't have to bother diluting it with a mixer.

  2. I guess it save calories but I'm still gonna have to pass - Miranda

  3. I guess it gives new meaning to the Australian way of saying cheers that goes "Up your bum!" LMAO

  4. I was young and easily influenced...thats all I got! Lol


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