Bring Out the Gimp

Well I’ve been predicting that my date tonight with College Crush would be make or break and turns out I was even more right than I knew.  Thursday when I was having dinner with FJB, College Crush texted me incessantly – like 10 times in the space of a couple hours.  I had told him earlier in the day that I was having dinner and hanging out with a friend that night but all those texts were pretty much “what are you doing” “who are you with.”  I did finally answer a couple texts and reminded him that I actually pushed the truth so far as to say I was with a girlfriend so he’d chill out. 

Friday I didn’t hear from him hardly any.  Gwyn convinced me skip out on work and we made a mad dash to IKEA and bought the store out.  IKEA is in College Crush’s town so I texted him essentially inviting him to join us.  No response.  I figured he was mad about Thursday night.  So we are on the way home, several hours later, and he texts me and asks what we’re doing. I answer.  He then asks what I was doing Thursday night.  WTF?  So I answered and said, “I told you want I was doing last night. Was I talking to your doppelganger?” No response. 

Hours later, again, he texts me and asks what I had planned for last night. I told him I was going out with friends.  No freaking response.  He was clearly pouting about my behavior.  What a fucking baby.

So out I go last night with some of my girls and we had a blast.  It was one of the girls’ birthday so many a shot was had and shew, I was toasted.  I had worn shoes that are chancy even when I’m sober and somehow at the end of the night we were dancing and I managed to roll my ankle and totally sprained it.  I don’t know how I did it, I mean we did some crazy athletic dancing earlier in the night and I was fine in my risky shoes but apparently a little slower shuffle is dangerous. LOL!

So I was on my ass on the dance floor and got bum rushed by a bunch of guys who helped me up and essentially carried me over to a chair.  Then random guys took off my shoes and were checking out my ankle. It was quite a surreal moment for this very drunk girl.  Even funnier, several of the guys told me what nice feet I had. HAHAHA!

I made it home and gimped up the stairs and fell into my new decorated IKEA bedroom.  Now all day I given College Crush’s emotional gimpness (thanks for that Jules) I had been suspecting that he might cancel on me.  Sure enough as I lay in bed this morning he texted me and started asking about what I did last night. I filled him in and told him about my ankle.  Then he asked a bunch of questions about my ankle and asked if I still wanted him to come up. I said yes because our plans had been to cook dinner and stay in.  A couple texts later he said he thought we should take a rain check and he’ll come up in a couple weeks and we can go out on the town.  WHATEVER! 

I was already seriously annoyed by him being an emotional gimp the last few days but this was it. He just signed his walking papers.  How stupid does he have to be to not realize that this was his golden chance to blaze in and be the hero taking care of me?  I told him that was fine, though I have no intention of seeing him in a date way any time in the future.  He’s texted me a ton today trying to be funny and cute but I’m not responding hardly at all.  I think he really wanted me to beg him to still come or at least try to convince him to come up but I’m not playing that freaking game.  He’s just been devoted from a Friend with Benefits to just a Friend.

Sadly I’m gimped up with my ankle and I can’t go out tonight which is probably a good thing because if a vampire bit me right now he’d probably be drinking a Bloody Mary based on how much alcohol I consumed last night. 



  1. What a golden opportunity missed. My first serious GF sealed the deal with me after she got the flu and I spent the weekend supplying her with turkey soup and crackers. :-) College Crush needs to learn more in school.


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