Promotion Request??

Gavin came by this morning in a very odd manner. I was getting out of the shower this morning and I hear a truck outside. Our neighbors run a "fruit delivery business" and by this I mean drug delivery business, so there is a lot of truck traffic on my little dirt road. Anyway, all of a sudden I hear "Jules...are you home?" "JULES??". It was very Stella-esque in his deep sexy voice and very funny. I walked to my front window naked as the day I was born and asked "WHAT? Yes, I'm home....come inside!". He kept talking and I finally told him to hang on so I could put some freaking clothes on. I walked out onto the porch so that he could tell me that he finally found a place to move into. (I'm very proud of his indecisive Capricorn self.) He made a special point to tell me that he found a place for himself and his son...not the gf. I said "Ok, good for you". He invited me over later and drove off. I went to school, not really processing what he meant by the lack of gf b/c that's just how they roll.
This afternoon, he calls me and leaves a message while I'm in class...I returned his call when I got out. He started telling me about his move and then tells me that he and the gf have broken up...I started to ask what that meant, but decided against it. Does this mean I'm gf #1 now? LOL!


  1. 1st Girl? Sounds like a credit in a porn movie, which it a good thing.

    Good luck on the new position(s).


    (I don't get to comment very often since your site is blocked from work, but I love you three, each post is a kick)

  2. LOL, well he does call me his porn star. I'm totally kidding though...I'm definitely not his gf.
    We're glad you enjoy the blog. Thanks for following!


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