Moving Day

Well today ranks right up there with one of my stranger days in life. Although Gavin and I have been talking about him moving in all week, it didn't really occur to me that it would actually happen...yet it has. I got a call about 8:30am from him saying that his former landlord had evicted him effective immediately and he needed to know if he could start moving stuff in ASAP. I said he could, reminded him he had a key, and told him to get to it. Then I texted Russell, who had apparently planned to use the house for sex today...he was quite displeased with me but ultimately I told him I wasn't asking his permission since he'd already approved Gavin moving in, but pretty much saying that he's coming now.  It didn't go over well, but he seemed to get over himself in the end.
I must report that so far, so good. I got home from work today to chaos in my house, but chaos happens when you I went and sat on my porch and had some wine. Russell and Bob joined me and Gavin showed up about 15 minutes later and grilled us some freaking delicious steaks. (I'm worried I may gain 25lbs with him living here. Good god the man can cook!)  We chilled on the porch and eventually all went in and watched TV. Bob left, Russell went to bed, and Gavin passed out in his new room all by, big fun. Gavin woke up about 10pm and came back out to watch TV with me and to get a blow job since we're not allowed to have full on sex in the house with Russell home. Thankfully, Russell closes the next 3 nights!
It should be an interesting weekend...hell, it should be interesting around here from now on. My ex and my FWB all living under one roof. It's a non-traditional arrangement to say the least.


  1. I want to watch TV with you and get a blowjob...hell I'll have a steak also...and a god you sound perfect.

  2. LMAO, I'm pretty perfect if you want a low commitment kind of thing. This here is about my speed and I've got to admit, I'm really liking it.


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