Feel Like Making Love...

So last night Grandpa Twin came up to see me. He’s been on a very manly fishing trip for a week and “hasn’t been able to get me out of his mind.” I had a softball game but I felt like I needed a little TLC so I told him to come on up and we could hang out, go to my game, and then do a late dinner. Of course, he jumped at the chance LOL.

So he came up and honestly, he was looking pretty darn cute. Seems he’d decided to grow a little scruffy facial hair on his fishing trip and it definitely made him look slightly less pink cotton candy cloud sweet than normal. He greeted me with a big kiss and immediately wanted to lay his head in my lap. I know, slightly gag worthy, but remember he’s coming out of a horrendous divorce and I think his ex was a real bitch so I don’t mind being a little sweeter than my normal self for him.

We hung out for a little while and compared war wounds – me with my sprained ankle and he with a bruised rib that happend fishing – then headed off to my game. I was impressed with his ability to entertain himself during the game. I couldn’t play but I was coaching and didn’t have much time to interact with him and he just made himself at home and was quite content. Afterwards we grabbed a late dinner where I fielded like 20 phone calls from Duckie about Ladybug having an ear infection and then came back to my apartment to hang out for a little bit more.

We were just relaxing on the couch and one thing led to another and before I knew it, we were laying on the couch with some intense kissing going on. Now Twin is ALWAYS super respectful of me and what I want and don’t want to do. I’ve been very impressed with his restraint thus far. And he’s a good kisser, which is always a bonus though sometimes I think the kiss lingers a tad long and I have to break contact just to take a breath.

So we are kissing and kissing and kissing and then a little more, and then a little more. In my mind, I was thinking that maybe tonight was the night. That’s right, if you aren’t on the up and up Twin and me haven’t had sex yet and we’ve been going out off and on for almost three months now. Go ahead, be impressed, I am LOL! And for being all sweet and “innocent” Twin knows what he’s doing with his hands. He’s REALLY good with that aspect of making out.

I digress. So basically, he drove me crazy until I jumped up, sprained ankle and all, and essentially drug him into the bedroom. Even once we were in there before we lay on the bed, he asked me twice if I was sure, to which I emphatically said yes. I mean it’s been like two weeks since I had sex with SoCo – a girl has needs ya know! So we slide under the covers and clothes start flying off and at this point no actual sex has happened and I was laying kind of half turned with my back against his chest and we were kissing and next thing I knew Twin grabbed the bull by the horns and it was on. He launched a total sneak attack- HA!

And Twin impressed me. I’ll say we were both a little off our game thanks to our injuries but it was a very good effort. He’s definitely of the “romantic” sex variety; think looking deep in your eyes, whispering sweet nothings, etc. I will say twice while we were actually having sex he said, “I can’t believe I’m actually making love to you,” to which it took everything I had not to laugh because I’d just told Jules he’d totally call it making love.

Afterwards we just laid there for a little while and I got nervous he was going to do some declaration of feelings but thankfully, he didn’t. Finally, he had to get home and I sent him on his way. I was a little more than worried that today he’d be all over the top and stuff but he’s toed the line exceptionally well. I think he’s picked up enough on my reservations that he may have figured out just how far he can push things with me. He did send me a classic Grandpa Twin sext though saying, “I can still feel you” which made me laugh. Oh Grandpa Twin!

In other random news College Crush has been trying to text me the last day or so but I’m being extremely short with him and freaking Sawyer has been blowing up my email asking me to meet up with him and randomly asking if I still have feelings for him. I emailed a few times with FJB since our fucked up dinner but nothing new there either.

I also started talking with a couple new guys via PoF. One is a murse (male nurse) but though he’s nice and showing all the signs of being into me, I’m going to cut him. After stalking his Facebook page, he’s nowhere near cute enough. Another guy who is really cute and TALL came across as really cocky but I was willing to let that slide based on his hotness; that is until he just told me he works at the freaking DOLLAR TREE. No way folks, no freaking way am I getting involved on any level with someone who works at the freaking DOLLAR TREE!!!!



  1. A murse...LOL, never heard that term before this moment. Hey, don't cut the Dollar Tree guy just yet - think of the discounts!!
    Glad to hear you had fun with Grandpa, but damn it all if that song isn't in my head now...thanks.

  2. Jules - He works at the DOLLAR TREE. How much more of a discount do you need than everything being a buck!


  3. I bet they get 10%...that would make everything you buy a lovely 90 cents my dear. Times are tough, you got to think ahead in case we go back into a Depression...ROFL. (I'm cracking myself up.)

  4. I'm with Jules, dont dimiss DT yet...besides I have shopped at a couple dollar trees' and leave it to you to find the ONLY hot guy that works for one!!


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