Crazy: The Update

Well, the dust has settled a little bit on crazy here in Hawaii...although, I  probably should have waited until tonight to actually post this as there is a whole day to unfold. Gavin calls me this morning to tell me that his landlord isn't going to give him any of his money back and he's going to try to wait it out there a few weeks. He also mentioned not wanting to move his stuff again (which I do get since he just moved less than 1 week ago). I'm worried that he's going to assault this guy though and end up with more charges. I expressed this and he promised he wouldn't let it get to that point. In the 5 days he's lived there though, he's called me 4 of those absolutely furious over the it's a matter of time before he does something. Anyway, it looks like the crazy roommate situation is on hold for a few days/weeks. I did make him a key yesterday, so we're ready for him if and when he decides.
In Clark crazy news, he sent me a text yesterday telling me that he got his car back from the psycho ex gf and she finally moved out of his apt and he's moving back there today. Then he got quiet...I sent him another text and he responded with something about him being lonely and sad (not over her being gone, just in general). I told him this morning that I don't know what to say when he says shit like that because my instinct is to try and be there for him (but I can't fucking tell if he's pushing for that or not). Basically, I'm just going to ignore him for a while. I honestly can't figure him out, but I did look through the diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder last night and he meets a lot of them. I know the girls are right about needing to let this one go...I'm sure it's a matter of time on that too.
Russell said something yesterday about our house being full up on crazy. No truer words have ever been entire life seems to be exploding with it. I'm going to go have some coffee and breakfast now.


  1. Sometimes you have to let go of the crazy and let in the zen...

    But crazy is awful fun sometimes and zen can be boring as hell....

    What we need is crazy zen....that would be fucking awesome!

  2. Crazy is fun sometimes and I usually do have a zen approach to the boys, but this time crazy has seemingly taken over zen. LOL, I'm not sure I can handle the 2 merging...I need to go back to zen quickly. I told Miranda earlier that I didn't know dating was going to require crisis training.


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