According to Miranda...

...I have a boyfriend. In fact, let me share the exact quote from Miranda informing me that I am now attached:

"Ummm yes ma'am. He picks you up from dwtn drunk, meets you out at the club, poses for pics with you, takes you home when you're an angry drunk, cooks for you, brings you soda...."

The man in question is Romeo and yes he has done all of the above. Although reading that quote makes me seem like quite the drunk doesn't it? Well blog readers on my 30th birthday I made a drunken pact (wow maybe I am a drunk lol) to go out every Saturday night until 2011 - Miranda had her hand in the pile too - so there's been a lot more clubbing going on in my life than usual.

It's true, we have spent every weekend together for at least the past month. And I can tell his feelings for me are getting a little stronger. He calls me every day...makes an efffort to see me....agreed to be my date to a friend's wedding this weekend...etc. But in normal Gwyn fashion I'm playing it cool. I will admit that the idea is growing on me but I'm not quite ready to let my guard down completely. I will keep you all posted, wish me luck - it's hard for me to get close to a guy so this is going to be a big challenge.

In other news, Miranda and I are moving offices next week into a completely separate building from our boss. Oh man it's going to be party time! I have absolutely no supervision in this new location (currently I don't really have much supervision but my boss' office is three doors down from mine) unless you want to call Miranda 'supervision' lol. We'll be working with the snooty fundraising ladies but they aren't in the office very much (you know they're busy rubbing shoulders with the big wigs) so it's going to be like Miranda and I are literally working for ourselves. We can't wait! 

OMG did I just see on the news that a 10 year old girl in Spain gave birth to a baby......ok my ADD is kicking in, gotta check this story out....see ya later!



  1. Um, she so has a boyfriend whether or not she admits it. He even tolerated her drunken angry outburst with no penalties enforced on her afterwards. He's a fun guy though so I give him the Miranda stamp of approval for Gwyn!

    And moving into our new offices is going to be nothing but trouble. It will be so awesome!



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