Nice Girls and Bitches

Tonight was my sister’s birthday “dinner” and weirdly enough it was adults only. So earlier in the week I had to put on my big girl panties and ask Duckie to watch the kids so I could go.  Thankfully he readily agreed.  So tonight when I headed over to drop off the kids, who should be there – the girlfriend.  If you haven’t been reading Duckie’s girlfriend lives in the same freaking apartment building as me!  It’s interesting to say the least.

So I have been looking forward to this first “meeting” even though she and I already knew each other.  I jumped out of the car and started strolling to the door, looking mighty fly if I do say so myself, and before I could even make it halfway down the driveway, Duckie rushed outside to meet me. I guess he was trying to put off the face to face meeting.  It was quite funny how nervous he looked.

So off I went to dinner with my sister and all her church friends.  In the past they talked to me in deference to my sister but since I’ve left Duckie it’s whittled down the cursory “hello” type greeting.  Well these so called Christian bitches didn’t even define to speak to me tonight. Not a head nod, not a hello, nothing.  I mean really.  It’s quite ridiculous.  Whatever!

Anyway, after I left dinner I went to pick up the kids and this time I got my face to face meeting with the girlfriend. It was slightly awkward but ok for the most part. It’s a weird thing to meet you ex’s girlfriend in your ex-house lol.  Thankfully she’s a really nice person so we just chit chatted a bit and I told them a funny story about Leo and it was fine.

I will admit that I felt a weird territorial thing.  It was quite peculiar.  I will also admit that this morning I did a very “girlfriend” thing and left SoCo some pumpkin bread I made as a surprise at his door.  Yes I know no need to harass me. Gwyn and Jules have taken good care of that!



  1. WTH? I go away for 3 weeks and now you're dating SoCo?!
    Also that W.A.S.P. cold shoulder is one of the many reasons I am now Buddhist. What is up with the whole "love one another" thing Jesus was supposed to teach them?!


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