Shhhh...It's So Quiet!

It’s odd not having Gavin around after him being under foot for the past few weeks. I’ve still seen him everyday except today though, just in smaller quantity.  Saturday he came home and said he was moving to the house right up the road for free for the rest of the month. He paid us for the week he was here this month and Monday moved some things up there. Monday night, he came to our house and cooked Russell a steak dinner for his 40th birthday. I went back up to his new place and saw the changes he’s made…holy crap, it looked so much better. He cleaned and moved some things around – big improvement! We hung out all night and he left around bedtime and slept at his new place. It was a really fun evening though…lots of laughing and playing around.
Yesterday I worked and when I got home had an hour and a half to clean before I had to take Chloe to dance lessons.  He stopped by, went into his room, and took a nap on the bed he left in there while I vacuumed and mopped around him. If I were him, I would have gone to my new, quiet house where frantic cleaning wasn’t going on, but whatever.  He still has a bunch of stuff to move, like his clothing. He obviously came by today and instead of taking his laundry basket of neatly folded laundry, he picked out a few things and left the rest. I’m not sure what the status of that is and he may well be back in a few weeks if the landlord won’t renew the lease with him on it. Time will tell I suppose.
Those of you NOT on Team Clark (and I suspect that is all of you) can rest easily knowing no further contact has occurred since last week…sigh of relief. 
I'm thinking it's sabbatical time. I decided I'm not ready to meet the new guy. He may be great, but I just need to take a few moments to myself right now. 


  1. Some people make better friends than roommates.

  2. A sabbatical is a great idea. This time I did one and actually stuck to it and it's made a tremendous difference!



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