Cock Blocked, Hash, and Multiple Orgasms

I'm currently laughing my fucking ass off because I just posted this on my family blog. I think I caught it and fixed it quickly enough that it went unnoticed, but now I have to redo it because I was in such a panic that I couldn't cut and paste...I only cut.

Yesterday morning Owen texted me as he was getting to work about meeting him for a beach rendezvous. I told him that I couldn't since Chloe's dad was working, but I might be able to manipulate a play date for Chloe later so that I could get out for a quickie. We sexted back and forth for a while and I ended up taking Chloe and the kids to the beach where we normally hook up. I was so hoping to see him that afternoon. As it turned out, we laid on the beach for hours and when I finally got home it was totally looking like things were going to pan out for us to hook up. He was super horny and I was too after the all day sexting!

I got in the shower about 30 minutes before he was getting off from work and when I got out, I heard Gavin's voice. Gavin had come over while I was bathing and was sitting with a beer on the couch hanging out with the kids. I texted Owen my apologies and told him that I just couldn't get away like I'd planned. Poor Owen was cock blocked by not only my kid, but Gavin as well.

I was sooooo in the mood though because of the all day chatting and then thinking about him in the shower. So, I got rid of the kids and seduced Gavin (not that this is hard because his sex drive totally matches mine). The kids left and he was showing me some of his break dancing moves (it was on topic with a movie we were watching). He's from Jersey and he grew up in the 80s, so yes he knows how to I was laying on my bed watching him and cracking up. I was laying in a very cute, seductive pose on my stomach with my cleavage hanging out and my legs up. He noticed and I pulled him over to get him hard. I took his shorts down and started blowing him to get him hard (which was accomplished in about 15 seconds). Once he was hard, I flipped around on my knees, pulled my shorts down, and backed up to him. He was on it. He gave me some fabulous orgasms and then he asked if he could be in my ass. I love how he always asks. It's like when you take your kid to the store and they ask for candy in that super cute, hopeful voice. I said yes and proceeded to cum super hard a few more times. I swear since I've been more open with Gavin about my sex life, he's been wayyyy better. We finished watching the movie and he headed home.

I cooked dinner and invited the neighbor over. He's the one that grows his own weed and apparently makes hash as well. Once Chloe left for a sleepover, he went next door and got some hash for us. I had no sooner taken a huge hit when Owen texted me asking for some very specific pictures. The neighbor went home soon afterward to work and I went to fulfill Owen's request. He said to blow his mind, so I sent him a very naughty series of 8 pictures matching his requests.

After this, I was so tired. I love to smoke, but it mellows me out to the max. It was all of maybe 10pm. I laid down and no sooner had I snuggled in, then Gavin walks into my bedroom. He had told me that he was taking his son racing today and wouldn't be back last night, but he lied. He climbed into bed with me and took his pants off. I laid with him and blew him for a long time until Russell came home. I finished him up, rolled over, and passed out into a total blissful state of sleep. I'll say it again, I love my life.


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