
Ok, so I know I said I wasn't going to over post, but this is a good one. You DO NOT challenge Southern women on their china, crystal, and silver...EVER. It is ours...period. Hell, it's why we get married in the first place...otherwise, we would just live with the men. My poor stupid Yankee husband said something so ridiculous tonight, I couldn't help but share it...of course with a little back story.
My mother was married to another man years before my daddy...his name was Tom for the sake of this blog. When my mother (who's actually my step-mother, but we DO NOT use that term), left her 1st ex-husband she called her Daddy and told him. A little while later, her mother phoned and asked "Darling, did you get your crystal?". It was her first question. I'm not making this stuff up. She was DEAD serious. It has set a tone in my family, a hilarious tone, but a tone all the same.
Tonight, Russell and I were discussing our storage POD. I told him that my mama and I had been discussing the contents today. He said to me "You should go ahead and take the china...I'll take the everyday ware...since that was what I wanted in the first place.". Of course I'm taking my china you asswipe and you'll be damn lucky if I let go of the everyday ware now that you said something so incredibly stupid...btw don't look for the Reidel to come your's mine too! Men...they are SOOO stupid, bless their hearts. I mean to think he had the audacity to tell me I should take my china...gawd.


  1. Maybe I had some sort of foresight because we didn't even get china, crystal, or silver. Of course now I'm like DAMN!

  2. Yeah, don't let him touch that Reidel girl! LOL


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