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I had an interesting day on Tuesday that both Miranda and Jules begged me to blog about so here it goes... Russell had the day off and I needed to go to Target to get some things for McDreamy's birthday. He told me that he was meeting a friend (aka booty call with an army boy) in town and that if I wanted I could drop him off and then take his car to Target and come back and pick him up. Beggars can't be choosers so I took him up on his offer. A little background - Russell had already seen this particular guy at least once (maybe twice) and had told me that he actually liked him and it was a shame he was moving back to Texas in the next couple of weeks. He's an army guy and I think like 32 or 33 years old. I hadn't seen a picture and didn't know anything about where the guy lived and what not. Just that he was an army nurse (I lol'd on that one please forgive me God) and a pretty cool guy. Back to we make the 30 minute trek into town and I f...