TMI Tuesday - Music Edition

Trying to shake things up and be a little unique this week, here are musical TMIs courtesy of Gwyn and Miranda. Jules is up to her ears in good old family time so she'll be back next week!

If you turned on your iPod/iPhone/mp3 player right now, what song/playlist would be playing?
Right now, I'm listening to Florence and the Machine (Lungs) in my office. -Gwyn
Probably either something by Cee Lo or Adele.  I have one or the other of them on constant rotation though I've been trying to medicate with Jack Johnson and Zac Brown to relieve some stress lol - Miranda

You're doing a sexy strip tease for your current partner, what song is playing in the background?
I'd pick something by R. Kelly or some other sort of R&B song - maybe "Half on a Baby" by R. Kelly...yes, I just said that and no I'm not embarrassed by my love of R. Kelly even though he pees on teenage girls. -Gwyn
Ok well I'm definitely drunk if I'm trying to pull off a strip tease so I'm probably not capable of sorting through too much of my Ipod.  Again it's probably Cee Lo - something from his most recent album - or something by Amy Winehouse. Both have lots of good songs with good beats to them.  - Miranda

What song reminds you of your most recent ex? Why?
Anything from Jay-Z's 'The Blueprint 3' album reminds me of The Barber, particularly the song 'Forever Young' because that was his favorite song and he played it all the time. I just recently got to the point where I can enjoy the album again without getting pissed off. -Gwyn
I haven't really had an ex since Duckie but anytime I hear anything from Gaga it makes me think of Lawyer Boy because he loved her.  - Miranda

Are there any songs/artists/albums you can longer listen to because they remind you too much of an ex? If so, which ones?
I have a hard time listening to Common, Nas, The Roots or Talib Kweli because they all remind me of The Ex. He was really into music, especially conscious-type rap and hip hop (which I happen to enjoy too), so anything along that genre is pretty much ruined for me now. There are also certain Kanye West songs that he ruined for me too - I would get into detail but if our readers are anything like Jules and Miranda you're probably already confused as to who these rappers are that I'm talking about lol. -Gwyn 
Hey! I know Common and Nas. And I certainly know Kanye Gwyn!  As much as I love Beyonce's last album it really makes me think of Sawyer.  I listened to it nonstop the first few months I was involved with him.  One song, as much as it embarrasses me to admit it, really makes me think of him - "Why Don't You Love Me." Yes I know that's gag worthy but it summed up my emotions at the time. - Miranda

Has a man ever written a song for you? Details please!
Yes - I dated a guy when I was 19-20 years old (the same guy whose dog I locked in his bedroom one day while he was gone because I got tired of taking care of her for free...) and he was a bass player. He would write songs for me fairly regularly but they weren't anything too elaborate. Some of them didn't have any lyrics and were just guitar. Watching him play the bass was super sexy and when the song was for me it was even sexier - too bad he was an asshole. After we had been broken up for a good 6 months or so, he called me at 7am one morning and proposed (yes, I'm serious) and when I turned him down he said, "Well fine I wrote you a song but now you don't get to hear it." I'll admit that to this day I am still curious as to what that song was and what it said, but it wasn't worth getting married over. -Gwyn 
I don't think so. I've had certain guys play songs for me but never one written for me. Damn that would be sexy if they had though! I did briefly date a guitarist my sophomore year in high school but he was overweight and had serious pimples. Not much could make him sexy. When he told me he was a satanist and pulled out the satanist bible I quickly cut ties with him.  I'm sure it was all posturing but still. - Miranda

What song/artist/genre is your favorite music to get it on to?
I like R&B like R. Kelly, 112, Raphael Saddiq, etc. But I also like Indie/Alternative stuff during sex, like Deftones, Band of Horses, Coldplay, etc. It kind of depends on if I'm in an intense, romantic lovemaking mood (not often) or a dirty, let's rip each other's clothes off and go at it mood (most of the time). -Gwyn
Like Gwyn it depends on my mood. I can go anywhere from Corey Smith to Stevie Ray Vaughan to Adele to AC/DC to Jay Z.  I'm still stuck in middle school mind where I like to make mix tapes, well mix CDS and I'm not ashamed to admit I have 2-3 I've put together just for sex! - Miranda 


  1. I'm not embarrassed by my love of R. Kelly even though he pees on teenage girls.

    I want this on a coffee mug.

    I'm still stuck in middle school mind where I like to make mix tapes, well mix CDS and I'm not ashamed to admit I have 2-3 I've put together just for sex!

    Haha, I used to do this all the time, and even now once and awhile I like coming up with sex playlists for Lena and I. You should post your favorite sex list one of these days.

  2. Great answers...Gwyn you clearly have excellent taste in music (Miranda too)...but I'm with you on the unapolagetic love of R.Kelly...despite...well yea. I can't even care. Although the whole "In the closet" series was a bit much for me...


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