
It's time for you all to give Jules some pointers. Gavin and I have been chatting since we've been apart and he's mentioned some new fantasies. Actually, the dominatrix thing started before he left when we were watching porn one night and this chick was standing on some guy's balls in heels and he mentioned he might enjoy that. I'm so domineering in my normal life, but I'm totally submissive in bed. Hence my dilemma...I want to do this for him out of submission, but it violates my very sexual nature.

As we were talking this morning, he made a comment about me spanking him. I get how guys spank us. My ass is up in the air because you're fucking me from behind or I'm straddling your lap and your hands are just right there...but how do women spank guys? Am I supposed to bend him over my knee and what am I supposed to spank him with? This just seems a little maternal and odd for me, but I'm willing to give it a go when he comes back. Tips, please!


  1. HA! Jules asking for tips! I've never full on spanked a guy other than the random smack while he's on top. But I have tied a guy up, two actually. Not quite full domination but of the same flavor. Though I prefer to be the one tied up, it was pretty hot to do what I wanted and tease and torture them as much as I could stand. My guess would be for you to spank him you'd want to push him face down on the bed and make him lay that way or instruct him to bend over and grab his ankles. However you do it, you have to be uber authoritative and I'd alternate the pain with some pleasurable stroking of him as well.


  2. The thought of him bending over and grabbing his ankles make me giggle, a lot. I better go with the other option. I actually love the idea of tying him up...guess it's time to order those under the bed restraints, tie him up, and spank him. I found a paddle on Adam & Eve after I posted this that is soft and furry on one side and leather and hard on the other...seems perfect.


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