Sexting 101

I’ve said before that doing the whole long distance thing doesn’t totally suck.  I still get my me time, I have enough freedom, and I see Coach just enough to keep from getting sick of him or him getting on my nerves.  There are times I hate it (generally the night after he goes back to DC) but in many ways, it has been really good for us because it’s made us focus on really getting to know each other in a way that would be easy to gloss over if we were in person. 

All of this is to say that another benefit of the long distance thing is super hot sexting! I mean good grief, how did any of us exist before cell phones and texting.  So far there have only been a couple of long stretches (2 weeks) where we haven’t seen each other but boy does that make the sexting skyrocket! 

We’re currently at the end of one of those 2 week periods (thank god he’ll be home for my birthday this weekend) and the last few days the sexting has been intense.  I have big plans for celebrating my birthday with him this weekend and none of them involves us leaving my apartment.  HA!

In random sexting news, the glorious Fox News channel did a story about sexting and teens not too long ago and included some handy dandy sexting acronyms.  These literally made me laugh aloud because I’ve never seen any of them. 

8 – Oral sex
DUM – Do you masturbate?
DUSL – Do you scream loud?
FOL – Fond of leather
GYPO – Get your pants off
IF/IB – In the front or in the back?
IIT – Is it tight?
NIFOC – Nude in front of the computer
Q2C – Quick to cum
RUH – Are you horny?
IMEZRU – I am easy, are you?
J/O – Jerking off
TDTM – Talk dirty to me

And my personal favorite - FMLTWIA – Fuck me like the whore I am



  1. I thought I was the queen of sexting and I've never, ever heard of any of those either!! Fox News made them up, like everything else they report. HAHA!


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