He's Back and He Bought Presents!

Gavin got home late Tuesday night and yesterday about lunch time I rec'd a text from Russell that read "Oh June, the Beaver's home.". It made me laugh out loud during a training where laughing was inappropriate. I got home and he called me to find out where I was about 3pm. When he heard I was home, he offered to bring me food and said he was on the way.

Gavin walked up to me on the porch and kissed me. He said he had missed me and then he handed me a dress he'd gotten for me. It's totally cute and I loved it. I've never had a man other than Russell buy me clothes, so that was a little strange. We chatted for a bit and then we went into the kitchen for him to unload the groceries he brought over. He stripped down and said he was going to roll my sushi in the nude and then he suggested that I suck his very hard cock. I did and within seconds, he flipped me around and entered me...in my kitchen! The kitchen was a virginal room until today (yay!). I've had sex in my other kitchens, but oddly not this one yet...until today. It was also the only room other than the bathrooms where sex had not occurred for Jules.  (They are next!)

He went between fucking me and having me suck him...giving me an orgasm or two....having me suck him....back and forth. It was hot. Sometimes he would get me right to the point of cumming and stop for me to suck him and then go back. This went on in the kitchen in full display of anyone outside. I really should learn to lower the blinds.We ended on the couch in the living room. I sat on him and rode him backwards and finally got off him after several more orgasms and sucked him until he was ready to cum and then he took his cock out of mouth and sprayed my tits. I cleaned up and went outside to have a drink.

We hung out drinking, talking, and finally eating sushi he rolled. He went inside and called me in to join him. He said he wanted to see me in the dress. I put it on for him and he said I looked super sexy. He'd landed on the couch at this point with porn on. He asked if I wanted to play with his cock. I said that I did and I sucked him for a little while and then told him I wanted more sex, all this while still in the new dress. I'd also like to interject that during this entire encounter, we were on my couch and the front door was wide open...very classy. I pulled a pillow up to block the door somewhat and climbed onto his hard, waiting cock. I rode him and rode him through many orgasms for me as he played with my tits and held my hands and we laughed and joked until he finally exploded inside me. It was really good!!!! Have I mentioned that I love the simplicity of Gavin?

We hung out for a while longer and then he asked if he could borrow my car to run some errands. I said "Yes", not thinking he would be gone for all of eternity while he had my car and meanwhile I ran out of wine...gasp. I finally decided to take his truck up to the store. It was a rather bold move on my part b/c his truck is very him...everyone knows it's his. It was my equivalent of cumming on his tits and doing so in public. I was marking my territory, indirectly. He passed me as I got to the store and pulled in and asked what I was doing. I told him I was going to buy wine and we could switch cars if he wanted. He did not, he thought it was hilarious I was driving his big ass truck. I'm short and it's very tall....I suppose it's funny to watch.

He tried to bring Owen back up and I shut it down immediately. I think we're ok on that topic, but I don't know. He keeps bringing it up. He said he just wants to know where he stands. I told him he stands where he is and to let it go…seriously. He also brought up the swinger's party on Saturday, but I think we've agreed that neither of us is very into it. He did drop that the gf leaves on the 14th and that he would like to stay here while she's gone. I kinda agreed, as long as Owen is still on lock down. ;)


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