WTF? Women Rule Here

Miranda, my dear Miranda...clearly you have gone over the edge. I love you and I'll be here on both sides of this for you...but holy mother of god, have you lost your mind?! Women DO NOT need to NEED to pick up their's an example.
Gavin and I have not had sex (prior to today) in a few weeks. I was pissed at him over the whole pill thing and some shit he told Gwyn and Miranda...but I'm officially over it.
First of all, he agreed to pick up Chloe not only today but tomorrow as well and 2 days in February when Russell is off the island. You have  got to LOVE a man that picks up your kid and even more so when your kid is super psyched about it....SCORE. It's an added bonus when he picks them up HOURS before closing time and actually dedicates time to them. He actually took Chloe surfing today and she "caught" a wave.
This earned him some hard core sex. I got home to dinner ready and a glass of chilled wine sitting on the counter for me. How can you not get on your knees for that?! I did, but there were restrictions that I  better cum a lot. I mean, seriously a lot. He complied.
First of all, I informed him that I would GLADLY suck his cock because he enjoys it so much IF he made me cum a lot. He was on it...he fucked me super hard for a while and then when I finally pulled myself off his cock, he moved onto fingering me insanely hard for an extended period of time. He was wayyy impressed by how much I came and I was wayyy impressed by how hard he made my pussy cum and drench his We were also super high since I figured out that I'm in the clear with the whole drug testing thing. While I enjoy him IMMENSELY, I did not have to "give up" anything to have him here and he made me cum like never before because I froze him out briefly.


  1. Whew, I was way tore up writing this one...LOL. Jules came home to MUCH wine last night. First of all, I won't bother editing b/c drunk entries are funny later. Obviously Miranda struck my feminist nerve though...sorry. Second, I apologize for the repetitive nature of it. Third, I do NOT LOVE Gavin like guys knew what I meant, right?


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