Daytime Beach Fantasy - Check

I have always, always, always wanted to have sex out on the beach in broad day light. I've asked Owen a few times to fuck outside, but we've never done it...until today. Since he's married, he's less adventurous in this regards but I guess he finally decided it sounded like hot fun.

Yesterday, he sent me a text asking me what my fantasy would be today if we could play. I thought better of asking for a threesome with Gavin or Penn, so I asked again for outside beach sex. Then, I asked to be tied up if he didn't want to do the outside thing. I think it's good to give men options...plan "B"s if you will.

This morning he sent me a text saying that he didn't think he could get away today to meet at lunch, but maybe we could hook up on Friday. I said ok and hit the beach (my standard plan "B"). I was laying out on my most favorite beach (incidentally where they filmed Lost which I'm now watching compulsively on hulu) and Owen texts me. He starts telling me that one day we should meet out on that beach way down near where they filmed since it's so secluded. I told him that I was actually on that very beach right then. He couldn't get away right then and asked if I could meet after 2pm there today and I said I couldn't because I had promised to pick Chloe up after school. We sexted a bunch and I sent him some pics and video after I ran home and then went to pick my kid up. Chloe has never, ever asked to stay at A+, but she did today to play with a new friend of hers. SCORE!

Once he confirmed that he could get away, I raced to shower and then went back to the beach and hiked out to where we were going to meet. I told him I would be laying out topless and he asked me to please be playing with myself when he walked up. Well, I was expecting him to come from one direction since I knew he was coming down the beach. I'm laying there on my towels, topless, and doing what he'd asked for when he came around the other way and scared the crap out of me. I literally jerked my hand away and rolled over and up all in one move while screaming a little. He died laughing and said he thought I would be more on the beach and I said I thought I was where he'd told me to go since I knew he didn't want to be full on out on the beach. I was behind some bushes near some palm trees with the ocean in sight, if you are wondering. It was a great location. Anyway, he had passed me and then circled back around.

I calmed down from my heartattack and we resumed what I had been doing and then he rolls over for me to start sucking his huge cock, when some lady walks up there. I rolled off him and over on my stomach and he sat there petting my leg until she left. It was so funny. No one ever goes up there...I mean, what were the odds? I thought he would call it off after that because he is married and a little paranoid, but it didn't phase him. She left and we got it on hard core out on the beach. It was every bit as amazing as I had hoped and I was actually just thinking it would be a quickie, but no. He brought his "A" game out there. We did all of our usual favorite positions and I loved watching his hot, tan body against mine in the gleaming sunlight. It was like straight out of a book (or a really good

We finished up and he kissed me goodbye in a way that made me want to rip his shorts off again, but I knew he had to go. I told him he was awesome for fulfilling my fantasy. Then as if I wasn't already impressed with the man...he literally ran down the beach. This beach is a hard beach to walk. I was a little exhausted and I only went half the way he went each way. Once he got back (he claimed to be on a training exercise), he texted me to say that his family had shown up while he was gone and they were waiting there for him...whoops.

As I'm walking back, Gavin called (radar). He wanted to check in and make sure that everything was ok from last night and to tell me that he'd come by and borrowed a bunch of stuff. I told him that everything was fine and that Russell is closing the next two nights so the coast is clear. Then, Penn texted me to tell me that he's coming North Shore tonight to go camping...guess which beach? Yes, it's the exact same beach Owen and I were on today. He wanted me to join him and meet his friends, but I'm home alone with Chloe since Russell is working so I doubt I'll make it.


  1. What a hilarious story! I can't believe he would run all the way back after all that sex. Owen is quite impressive. I hope we get to meet both he and Gavin when we're in Hawaii in just one week from today!


  2. Owen is amazing! A god among men...seriously. Sadly since he's married, he's a freak about meeting people so I may have to show you him from You guys will definitely meet Gavin and mostly likely Penn though.


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