Happy 2011!

Russell sent me a super funny text tonight that I can't seem to upload that says this, but instead of 11 there are 2 huge cocks. We actually hung out tonight with Chloe at a party. Gavin called to see what I was doing, but I informed him I had plans. He called back later in the evening, but I was still out.  Honestly, I really didn't want to hang out with him tonight. If he'd been doing something fun, maybe...but he didn't seem to have an agenda.

I'm not big on NYE at all. I don't make resolutions because I'm damn near perfect as is and I don't spend the day remembering the good and bad things from the previous year because I'm a "in the moment" kind of girl. Years of working in bars and watching people come in and make total asses of themselves and then driving home has jaded these "holidays" for me. I agreed to go to this party only because there were no bars in between our houses. Amateur drunk drivers scare me.

I'm driving home at 1am and Penn called. Yes, called...not texted. He was drunk. I don't normally answer calls that I think are drunk dialing calls, but honestly it surprised me when the phone rang at that hour. I told Miranda earlier I think it's poor form, but I appreciated he wanted to wish me Happy New Year and he was very sweet. I laughed at him when he suggested I come see him though. I told him there was no way in hell I was driving into town on NYE and I'd catch him later. He took it well, especially since he worked 10 hours today and has to do it again tomorrow.

I enjoyed my low- key, relaxing day except for the part of it where I saw Owen's family at the supermarket and I experienced a momentary feeling of something I think they call guilt, but it passed quickly. I'm sure 2011 will hold more fun from my team with maybe some new members or changes as we go. I'm excited to see what's in store!


  1. I'm going to need more information regarding the penis text from Russell, that shit is hilarious!


    PS - I hear you saw the picture of the hawaiian tour guide I found for us online, I'm in total lust lol

  2. I just texted it to Miranda to forward to you. I did see that guy's picture - whoa hottie!! Miranda said I need to work on it from my end as well. LOL, well Penn is hot so I'm guessing his friends probably are as well. If I can find time to meet them before you guys come, I'll do my part. I think Gavin is hot too, but his friends that I've met are a mixed bag.


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