The Week According to Jules

Wow, we've had a fun trip! I'll let them fill you guys in on all the sightseeing stuff if they are so inclined but we do have a few good stories! Mostly, we were calm and well behaved though and much to their dismay, none of my team got a 4sum.
Last Tuesday, Gavin took me to lunch and grocery shopping and during the drive insisted on picked Gwyn and Miranda up at the airport. Gavin's not always the most reliable person, so I was nervous about this but I need him to watch Chloe some for me over the next month and decided this would be a good trial run. He showed up on time (though Russell was on standby bless him) and appropriately lei'd them. He took them to a cool local restaurant and they got liquored up before coming home. As soon as I got out of class, I raced home and we had a lovely dinner. We spent the night tying one on though and at some point I passed out.
The next morning I woke up looking for my birth control pills to see if I had remembered to take the one from the night before and I noted my pills were not where they should have been. I had moved all of my stuff into the "guest" room before they came and Gavin had come the day before and delivered another mattress and moved some things around in there. Well, Miranda and I tore the guest room apart looking for those pills. Finally, I called Gavin and asked him where they were. He insisted he hadn't stolen them (before I even suggested such a thing) and that they had to be there. They were not, but luckily I had a backup pack. I don't know for sure that he stole them per say, but they are gone and he was the last one in the room. I can't even process this, so I'm moving on and giving him a pass.
Penn started texting me Wednesday night, which carried over to Thursday night begging me to come over. I told him I had friends in town (which he knew) and that I'd see him Friday night as planned. Friday, we went to the beach to watch Gavin surf but he was at a different spot and refused to move down to where we were. He finally walked down to see us, but he was pissy all three of us wouldn't relocate. Men are so funny. It drove him insane that we rented a hotel room in town Friday night. He was sure we were going to be whoring it up (which we didn't end up doing at all). At one point, he told me that miraculously his kid wanted him to get a hotel room in town that same night and he might be there too., no.
Anyway, we hit Waikiki Friday night and went on a booze cruise. I wanted to sit on the catamaran net and within 5 minutes of the boat sailing out, I was SOAKED. I mean I looked like I went overboard. In the midst of this, my phone got soaked and ruined as well. Once we got back to the hotel, I tried to dry it out and it worked for about 3 minutes. During this time, I texted Penn to see what the plans were and he totally pussed out and then my phone died. Sadly, Gwyn and Miranda didn't get to meet him. I guess if I'm still hanging out with him in August when they come back, we'll try it again.
The long weekend was pretty mellow. Gavin came around a few times and cooked us dinner again one night. He's a great cook! He was so funny when they were here though. He calls me a lot anyway since he doesn't text, but Gwyn and Miranda have renamed him my puppy based on his behavior and need to talk to and see me so often. This worked in our favor though Monday when my car started acting weird...I called him and he came straight over. We drove to the beach so he could see what it was doing and he remarked on how long it had been since we'd played. I told him to come back later in the week and I would take care of his needs. LOL!
Penn continued to text me nightly asking me to swing by. I told him that I'd been in town Friday night and he's missed his he also must wait until later in the week.
I was sad the girls were leaving today, so an Owen visit was in order....especially since I missed him last week. He texted me yesterday to set it up and suggested we meet out on the beach again! I love that he's so into this now. As it turned out, we ended up in his van today. It's a long, boring story related to his wife coming by and  his partner going surfing. The van sex was so fucking hot though. I got in and we got right down to it since he was supposed to be on a bathroom break. We started with me blowing him. He's so big that I actually find this challenging at times and he's never pursued it much until I laid it on him hard core a few weeks ago. I suppose he got a full on taste of my skills and he's hooked now. He fucked me so hard I squirted all over him, which is one of his favorite things in life and then he finished by cumming in my ass. We accomplished some really amazing orgasms in about 30 minutes. It was just what Jules needed after a week of celibacy!
I'm missing Gwyn and Miranda tonight something awful, but I'm so excited they are planning another trip in August!!! Hurry back!!!


  1. If the van starts a'rockin....

    i'm glad the trip was so fun, even if it wasn't as debauched as we had all hoped.

  2. Yes, the van rocks a lot here. ;) OMG today was insane!! It had been 2 weeks and he apparently needed it as badly as I did.
    As far as the trip, yeah we were pretty laid back since my current team is meeting my needs quite nicely and Miranda has a bf now BUT I will give you a teaser...Gwyn has a story to tell.

  3. It was an awesome trip and nothing like a little sex to make the post-trip blues go away! HA!



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