TMI Tuesday - Travel Edition

Gwyn and Miranda have travel on the brain because of their pending trip to visit Jules next week! Check out this week's TMI. We'd love to hear your tales of travel sex as well!

What the longest distance you've ever driven/flown/etc. to get sex?
If my memory serves me correctly the furthest I've ever driven for sex is about a 45 minute drive. - Gwyn
Hmmm, maybe an hour that one time I did a late night visit to Flyboy.  Mmmmm, Flyboy.... - Miranda
In college, I drove from Greensboro to DC to see a 4 hours. Here on the island, an hour. - Jules

Do you abide by the motto "If sex happens while I'm in another area code than my partner then it's not cheating"?
Yes - for the most part I'm a firm believer in 'out of sight out of mind'. When I'm traveling I'm open to new experiences, meeting new people, etc. and if one of those new experiences is sex that I wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to participate in - I'm going to jump on it. And this doesn't just apply to me - if it's just sex I really could get over my man straying while in another town (disclaimer: not within driving distance). Now if it were an ongoing affair or lip kissing (lol) that lasted the entire trip, that would be a different story. -Gwyn
Really?  Really?  Yes, cheating is cheating. As a cheater, I declare it cheating anytime you've both agreed to be exclusive with one another and you get it on with someone else. You can't make excuses, you just have to own the fact that you're a cheater. - Miranda
Cheating is cheating, I agree. I just don't care. I'm going to play with whoever I want too because at the present time I'm not exclusive with anyone. I was faithful in my marriage until I got tired of being ignored. If I were with someone that met my needs in that area, I may not cheat. I guess we'll see as time goes on. I also don't care if the person I'm with is married, has a gf, etc. That's on them in my book. - Jules

Have you ever had a romantic fling with a stranger while on vacation?
No but I'm hoping our trip to Hawaii will change that. -Gwyn
Absolutely. Junior week at the beach. Senior week at the beach. I think that's it.  I narrowly avoided a hookup with that ridiculous Karoke Boy last time I visited Jules in Hawaii.  That would have been a disaster! - Miranda
LOL guys - you're too funny. I've had random hook ups when I was at the beach and once when I was visiting my bio mother in Florida, I fucked one of her friends. We actually kept that going for a few months after I got back from my trip since we both lived in the same town. He was pretty much a stranger since I'd never really met him before. I like older men, what can I say? - Jules

Have you ever had sex with someone from another country?
Yes. I used to be a counselor at a summer camp for girls and during our overnight leave we would always hang out with the male counselors from the all boys camp up the road. One summer, I met myself a lovely counselor who was an Englishman and we had sex twice. He wasn't all that handsome but his accent made up for all of his other shortcomings, very sexy! I think I've probably had sex with other men from outside of the U.S. but this is the one that stands out in my mind. -Gwyn
Nope. So far I've been a pure American girl.  Not that I'd turn down some strange from a hot foreigner though. - Miranda
Of course! I've been with a few English guys. I was with a guy here that was from Switzerland I think...somewhere in Europe, I don't remember. I'm running through the rest in my head, but I haven't had caffeine yet so there may be more. - Jules

Have you ever moved to another city/state/country for a man?
Nope. But, again, I'm hoping my upcoming trip to Hawaii will change that. -Gwyn
Well Duckie and I agreed to move to a different city together.  Does that count?  - Miranda
I moved to Hawaii to follow Russell since he took a job here. I'm glad I did, but I'd never do it again (move for a man). The man can come to me, or we're not meant to be. Women do it all the time though. Clark has moved at least two women here. The gf moved here from CA to be with Gavin. I'd like to point out that none of these have ended up as what most people would deem "successful" relationships. - Jules


  1. I found your blog on someone's blog list. I like this series of TMI questions, so I think I'll play along.

  2. Welcome Lola! Glad to have you play along!


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