Things I'm Thankful For

Given my recent funkiness, I’ve decided to refocus my energies and make a list of things I’m thankful for.  Enjoy!
  •  I’m thankful that even though I’m broker than hell and there’s very little “fun” money, all my bills are being paid, I have a fridge full of food, a closet full of clothes, and I good roof over my head.
  • I’m thankful the only thing I caught during the hey-day of my sexual escapades was Chlamydia and not something much worse or life altering.
  • I'm thankful my bangs are almost fully grown out now so I don't have to worry that I look like a third grader who decided to hack off her own hair.
  • I’m thankful I can do an hour on the elliptical and still manage to climb the three flights of stairs to my apartment.
  • I’m thankful for my new job that fascinates me, entertains me, and requires much less effort and responsibility on my part.
  • I’m thankful I’m no longer the boss and I don’t have a flaming idiot working for me who can’t function in the adult world.
  • I’m thankful for Gwyn who is not the least bit afraid to call me on my BS and still manages to make me feel loved from 5000 miles away.
  • I’m thankful for texting and how much fun it makes talking to someone like Imaginary Baby Daddy because it seems like with him I know just the right provocative wonderful things to say and when to shut up and retreat to maintain my aura of mystery.
  • I’m thankful that D’s boyfriend pretty much pays for everything I want to do when we go out as a group. Hell one night he even paid for dinner for me and the kids.
  • I'm thankful for D who is every bit as crazy as me but still manages to make me behave (for the most part).
  • I'm thankful my kids get along so well despite having a 5 year age difference and that they pretty much entertain each other 80% of the time. 
  • I’m thankful that my divorce turned out as drama free and non-volatile as I told everyone it would.
  • I’m thankful for Jules who encourages me to have fun and not feel the least bit “bad” for my crazy adventures and always reminds me that I am in fact “the shit.”
  • I’m thankful that I adopted the best cat I ever could have adopted and once my money issues lighten up a bit I’m going to get him a friend!
  • I’m thankful I spend enough time in the sun during the summer to keep tan lines that show year round without having to resort to the death ray (aka tanning bed).
  • I’m thankful for instant streaming on Netflix on the Wii. Best $9 I spend each month.
  • I’m thankful for the public library and how I am one of the few adults I know who still go to it and how it provides me with hours of free entertainment each month.
  • I’m thankful gas prices are finally starting to drop!
  • I’m thankful for Crystal Light’s peach mango green tea – and I’m addicted to it.
  • I’m thankful despite how much I drink, I rarely have a hangover (and by rarely I mean less than 10 in my whole life).
  • I’m thankful that I opted to get an IUD and essentially eliminate having periods, PMS, and all the accompanying joyful symptoms of being a woman.
  • I’m thankful I have people like Josie in my life who is caustic and biting and wonderfully funny and is the person who will always show up when you need them.
  • I’m thankful for all the bloggers and their blogs who entertain me and make me feel a lot better about my life from a drama standpoint.
  • I’m thankful I have a sister who is a real estate agent and who drives a hell of a bargain and won’t let me overpay for anything (even though that very fact is holding up my home ownership plans).
  • I’m thankful for Mexican food (just call me Juanita) and Barberitos specifically.
  • I’m thankful for this blog because it not only gives a creative outlet, but it allows me to therapize myself and keep myself as honest as possible about what’s going on in my life.
 There, perspective restored – at least for the moment :)



  1. An hour on the elliptical? That's impressive. My feet usually start falling asleep after about 10 min.


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