The End
I really need to learn to walk away. Monday night I ended up going out very impromptu for a with D to this bluegrass jam thing that goes on in this hole in the wall place. Very cool, relaxing vibe. While we’re there, I told her about Coach and his craziness from Sunday and how he’d been texting me all weekend saying he was lonely and whatnot. When I told her that, she told me he was out Friday night drinking and in all the places that caused us so much trouble when we were together and with the same old crowd of people. I can’t say I was shocked but I was surprised. Though I really shouldn’t be at this point. She also told me (which she’s said this multiple times but never quite so funnily) that she didn’t know what we lasted as long as we did because it seemed like all we did was make each other miserable. And the more I thought about it, that was really true. At least from my end. I mean every weekend something happened that caused a fight or argument. I told her the problem was n...