TMI Tuesday - A Song For You

A Song For You

Answer the following questions using only song titles. Make sure you link to the song or the song’s lyrics so that we can listen to or read the song.
1. What is your present state of mind?
You Can't Always Get What You Want, but I've got a Good Feeling - Jules
I Wanna Be Rich - Gwyn
These Boots are Made for Walking - Miranda

2. How do you feel about your spouse, significant other, or someone you lust for?
Closer makes me think of Owen.  Russell says Alcoholic is "our" song, but not in the way he means it. :)         Jules
Hahahah to you and Russell's song Jules! This is the song that always makes me think of McDreamy. - Gwyn 
Well right now I don't really have any of those.  I suppose this is the the song I think of most often when I think of Coach - The Best Thing About You Was Your Dick. - Miranda
3. Describe your job.
Trouble Me - Jules
Making money is no walk in the park. This is my theme song for today. -Gwyn
Where Everybody Knows Your Name - partly because I still want to be the expert and I'm not yet and partly because despite now knowing all the answers everyone has come to rely on me as Ms. Fix It - Miranda
4. What are you hungry for?
Candy Everyone Wants (yep big 10,000 Maniacs fan)- Jules
Let's all just chill out. -Gwyn
A sugar daddy - Hell on Heels - Miranda
5. What’s your favorite color?
Blue Skies - Jules
Ha, I was doing so well until you had to ask me for my favorite something....-Gwyn
Purple (People Eater) - Miranda
6. What gets you excited?
Lets Get It On  - Jules
A Hawaiian classic hahahahaha - Gwyn
Love Song - Miranda
7. Who do you think you are?
Bitch - Jules
A bad ass mama jama -Gwyn
I Am Woman Hear Me Roar - Miranda
Bonus: Describe your life. Feel free to elaborate on your song choice.
Gwyn, Russell, and I were just talking about this the other night. It really doesn't suck to be me. I live in a gorgeous place. I have an amazing kid. I have fantastic friends and family. I am working on increasing my education, and I have a super hot lover. I think I've put this up on here before, but OneRepublic's Good Life is pretty much my theme song to life right now. I heard it for the first time last year when I was leaving a homeless shelter where I'd been surrounding by families needing help and it hit me like a ton of bricks and made me cry b/c in my life, what is there to complain about? I have a house, food on my table, money to pay my bills, and the aforementioned things listed above. I am a very lucky woman. - Jules
This song by Florence and the Machine really speaks to me right now. To me, it's about shaking off the bad things in your life and not letting them hold you down. My favorite line is 'there's always darkness before the dawn...' Every time I hear that lyric I remember that in order to get to the good stuff you've got to keep your head up during the bad stuff and just hang in there. Not that I have much bad going on in my life right now but even life in paradise can get a little dicey now and then! -Gwyn

I've been so introspective the last few weeks but I always try to remember no matter what's going on, better days are ahead.  Lemon Drop - This was a great TMI! - Miranda
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!


  1. 2. Closer = Hot song, hot sex.

    Miranda - Ooh snap!
    So glad you posted this.

    I've been under the spell of a dick before...LOL

    4. Miranda I'm hungry for that too.

    5. Purple people eater...hadn't heard that in a long time. Thanks for the laugh.

    6. Adele did a good job wiht the Cure cover. I'm a total Cure fan.

    7. Love all the song titles and the songs.


    Jules: Sometimes it takes misfortune (ours or others) to make us realize how good we have it, and to be appreciative.

    Gwyn: Good song. I needed that today...I needed an attitude adjustment.

    Miranda: I'm glad that you enjoyed this TMI. I'll definitely do another like it, I love music plus it has been fun to learn about bloggers via their song title choices and commentary.


  2. Haha, great choices! It makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one who secretly finds Marvin Gaye good mood music. I had to click on the Cheers link to make sure I really saw that choice. And I'm going to have that Hawaiian Blues Medley stuck in my head for the rest of the afternoon.


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