Speed Bump

Well I had my first “fight” with Peabody Monday tonight.  I haven’t seen him for the last eight days.  Yes EIGHT days without sex or even a kiss.  First I had the kids back and then he was out of town the rest of the week and then we both had the kids and were running in opposite directions all weekend. 

Sunday night he crashed early but we did have a good conversation about our “relationship” and all was well. Today was pretty normal, random outbursts of crying related to my dad not withstanding. Tonight we talked on the phone per our usual pattern on the way home and he said he’d call me in a little while after we both did some chores.

We were talking on the phone about 6:30 when I heard one of his friends show up.  We got off the phone and he said he’d call me back in a few minutes. About 25 minutes later I texted him that his friend was a cock block and how was I supposed to get in his pants with him around.  He replied and said “well looks like it’s turning into a boys football night.” I sat shocked for a few minutes and queried “seriously???”  He said, “Unfortunately.”

I didn’t answer him back because honestly I was pissed and between my raging emotions from this being the week of my dad’s death to my raging hormones, I was an angry girl.  I know anything I said in the heat of the moment would be a – dramatic, b-overly emotional and c – just over the top in general.  So I bit my words so to speak and sat on my reply for a while muddling through what to say. A few minutes later he texted, “Sorry. Can I make it up to you tomorrow?”

I sat in silence for a bit biting my tongue because I’m fully aware that I’m highly emotional this week, as is he because we’ve talked about this week a fair bit.  Finally following the advice of the ever genius Rory Raye, I simply said, “My feelings are really hurt right now. Especially after our conversation last night.”

He replied back, “Listen it wasn’t expected. I’m sorry. I will make it up to you.”

I didn’t reply because I didn’t want to have a conversation about this via text. About an hour or so later (meanwhile I was drinking wine and texting Gwyn and my boss about what happened) he sent a “You are obviously upset with me” text.

I did reply and stuck to simply saying, “I told you my feelings were hurt. I’m not trying to hide that from you.”

That was about 30 minutes ago.  I don’t know or even really care (thank you wine gods) if he responds again. My guess would be he will after the guys leave.  But who knows. We’ll see where this goes.


PS – I give him lots of time to himself. It’s not like we see each other every night and I NEVER complain when he wants to do things with his friends or with us and his friends together.  That being said, I haven’t seen him in EIGHT fucking days and tonight has made me a little angry.


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