Short Men

I  recently posted about The Fisherman and came under fire from an anonymous reader, who decided to fire  back regarding my height preferences with comments about my age. Whatever. I'm old and hot and I can get guys that are young enough to be my son and old enough to be my dad. When that stops, I'll worry. Until then, I do NOT have age issues. I have LOVED my 30s. My mom says it keeps getting better, but I think that may be a lie she tells herself. We'll see.
Anyway, The Fisherman is clearly smitten and I've weighed it all out. His only con on the pro-con list that I am currently aware of is his height. Seriously, that's all (as of now). He's super cute, oh so sweet, a great cook, has an ocean front condo 5 minutes from my house which he said he would like to buy so clearly he has money (as in tried to make an offer on but she didn't want to sell), no ex wife, no kids...I'm going to try again. I'm going to try to work through my shallowness and see what happens. I may not be able to, but I think it may be worth the effort. Typically you have to be at least 5'9" to ride this ride. Owen is like 6'3" and I love standing on my tippy toes and him bending down to kiss me. 
As I was thinking about this I was reflecting on a funny one night stand that I had a few years ago. I can't remember if I blogged it, but if I did it was 2 years ago, so I'll tell it again. (I'm old, I can't I was bored one night and on CL and ran across an ad that looked just like Owen's cock. I mean just like it. I emailed the person assuming it was him and blasted him for posting. Of course the irony was I was looking, but thankfully it was a non issue b/c it was not Owen. It was a well known surfer here in Hawaii. We chatted some and he came over. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find a guy about my height b/c at the time I didn't know who he was. I was worked up, he was cute enough, and I decided wth. I'm glad I did b/c he broke my myth. That man was HUNG, like Owen kind of hung...hence why I had thought the pic was Owen. I swear they could cock shot double for each other, which is odd b/c I've never seen two that were so similar. 
All kidding aside, I'm going to work to get over my height thing, but if he has a little dick I can't get over that. There are some things in life that I'm not willing to compromise on and that is one of them. I'm sorry but the motion of the ocean doesn't rock my world. 


  1. Jules....
    I am only 5ft and I could never see myself with anyone less than 5'8" if they are taller is even better, my Dutchguy is 6'3" and I love it!!
    For some reason I am not attracted to short men at all o.O and i have tried :/

    Have a fab weekend!!

  2. Amen Aluv! I'm going to try it, but I'm not overly optimistic. I like feeling like a guy can just pick me up and envelop me in his body. If you're my height I imagine that is kind of challenging.


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