Breaking News

Things have been an amazing whirlwind with The Fisherman that I don't even know where to start since I've been without my computer and the ability to blog regularly. First of all, let's start with Owen. I saw him last week and felt so incredibly guilty that I just knew I couldn't do it again. He texted me about meeting up last Friday and I told him I could not and that I'd met someone who was rocking my world and I needed time to explore that. He was sweet about it and told me I totally deserve someone awesome in my life. Oddly his reaction made it harder, but I did it. I freaked out a little and cried afterwards, but I felt like it was totally the right decision. He texted me again last night and I stood firm telling him I seriously need some time. He said he's willing to give me that and if I want to ever see him, he will be waiting. I don't do goodbyes, ever. I suck at that so I've just put him on hold but have been very open about my feeling for The Fisherman. I think it's challenging for him b/c in Owen's eyes this just came out  of no where.

Ok, so The Fisherman is just simply put the most awesome guy I've ever met. He adores me and has said as much and I'm not freaking out like I normally do. I honestly see myself with him and it makes me insanely happy. I was talking to my mom last night about him and she said that she has never, ever seen me so happy and has definitely never, ever heard me talk about a guy like this. I sent her pics and she's circulating them through NC as I type. We spend as much time as we possibly can together b/w work and Chloe. Chloe is dying to meet him and I talked to my mom about this last night too for some good ole motherly advice b/c I am adamantly opposed to introducing her to every guy that comes along. My mother eased a lot of my concerns and for those curious minds, Chloe and The Fisherman will probably meet sometime next month. She has fall break next week and will be at her auntie's while I work, so I think the week after that I may have him over for dinner. My mother retold the story of meeting me last night on the phone and it actually made me a little teary. (It's PMS week though and I'm crying like a baby over everything.) When I was 3, my parents met (I say parents b/c my bio mom is an addict and we have no contact except her internet stalking) and the night I met my mom she came to the house and I opened the door and said "I'm Jules, you must be (her name). Daddy is making pizzas.". So, she told me that Chloe and I simply must make pizzas for him.

Enough with the sappy stuff though, I am honestly on this emotional high with him but I'll share some of the sexual details with you too. Who was amazing enough in bed to take me away from Owen? This guy! People, we have sex an insane amount. He loves sex as much as I do and is totally open and into doing all kinds of things. On days we are off or alone, we will have sex 4-5 times a day...a day. He loves my toys, he loves anal (even me playing with him some which is taking some getting used to but I'm finding very erotic), he loves spanking me, he loves my tits, and he will go down on me for hours. I have never seen a man cum like he does too. He cums in massive amounts, which I find oddly very satisfying. We fuck like crazy and make love for hours. He has a very active fantasy imagination, so I can only imagine things are going to get better and better. In and out of bed, we talk about everything. I feel so comfortable and open with him. Stay tuned to see how this all plays out, but rest assured Jules is one happy camper right now!


  1. I have been waiting for this post! I love love love that you are happy with The Fisherman! He's got to be pretty freaking special to catch your attention!


  2. Well know wonder I haven't heard from you, you've been busy! 4-5 times a day? Drink lots of water lol!
    But honestly I almost giddy for you, and I am so glad who talked to the Mom about it!


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