TMI Tuesday - Thrills and Chills

The Comfort and Thrill of Sex

1. How do you feel about giving anal sex (penetration with penis, finger or sex toys)?
a. I love it.
b. I enjoy it.
c. I’m ok with it.
d. I don’t really enjoy it.
e. I don’t enjoy it at all.
f. I have never given anal sex.
g. I have never given anal sex, but would like to start.
C - I've done it with toys a few times. I like it well enough, but honestly I'm much rather be on the receiving end of that game. Otherwise, it feels slightly gay. - Jules
C - Ditto to what Jules said. - Miranda
Um what? I choose option 'H' - I have never and will never give anal sex nor will I ever stay with someone who wants me to do so. EXIT ONLY!!!! And unless I'm mistaken straight men should not enjoy things going in to their anus!!!! -Gwyn
2. How do you feel about receiving anal sex (penetration with penis, finger or sex toys)?
a. I love it.
b. I enjoy it.
c. I’m ok with it.
d. I don’t enjoy it at all.
e. I have never received anal sex.
f. I have never received anal sex, but would like to start.
A. I LOVE IT! I mean, love, love it. - Jules
B - To a certain point. It does add a little extra something though I have to be in the mood for any backdoor action. - Miranda
D - I've done it with one guy a couple of times and it was o.k. but it was no better than the traditional route for me. So in the interest of smells and germs I'd like to stick with the vagina please. -Gwyn 
3. How do you feel about getting undressed in front of a new lover, for the first time, as he/she watches you?
a. It’s a turn on for me.
b. It turns me on a little bit.
c. I like it, but only because it gets him/her going.
d. It does nothing for me.
e. I don’t like doing it because I am shy.
f. I don’t like doing it because I think it’s immoral/improper.
I'm going with none of the above...right now I'm slightly self conscious about the 15lbs I put on in grad school, so less comfortable with it right now than I normally am. - Jules 
C - I think it depends.  With The Christian or Coach it was hot because I knew how much they liked me and how much they wanted me. With a fly by night guy not so much. I just want to get down and dirty and I'm not trying to prolong the moment. - Miranda
I guess 'D'. I don't get turned on having someone watch me but I am not embarrassed at all taking my clothes off nor being naked around a guy for the first time. I learned a long time ago that the things I'm self conscious about don't even register for the guy I'm with. Confidence is sexy too and guys love it when I walk around naked like I don't have a care in the world. -Gwyn
4. Do you express your sexual pleasure with moans, groans, sighs, and other noises (provided that you are actually turned on)?
a. Yes, each time I have sex (90-100% of the time).
b. Yes, on most occasions (70-89% of the time).
c. Yes, on some occasions (40-69% of the time).
d. Yes, on a few occasions (10-39% of the time).
e. Yes, but only on special occasions (1-9% of the time).
f. Never, not even when I am really turned on.
A - Yes, I'm very vocal in bed. ;) - Jules
A - for sure.  No silent sex here! - Miranda
This is a dumb question. Who doesn't make any noise? -Gwyn
5. Do you talk to your partner in a sexually explicit way?
a. Talking dirty is one of our favorite activities.
b. Occasionally, I like to talk dirty with my partner, and I do it with ease.
c. I talk dirty with my partner, but it feels awkward.
d. I would like to talk dirty with my partner, but I don’t dare for fear of being judged or ridiculed.
e. I would like to talk dirty with my partner, but she/he isn’t into it.
f. I don’t talk in such a way because I think it is inappropriate.
g. I don’t talk in such a way because I can’t bring myself to do it.
A. Owen likes to talk dirty to me's mostly commands, but in his sweet non aggressive The Chilean only speaks to me in Spanish during sex so I have no clue what he's saying. - Jules
A - Dirty talk is always a good thing.  It takes a certain amount of focus though or I'll laugh on occasion.  I much prefer to receive the dirty talking for that sole reason. - Miranda
A - I enjoy dirty talk and I also enjoy laughing silently about the things guys come up with during said dirty talk. -Gwyn
6. What kind of animal do you most sound like when building to a climax?
a. quiet little mouse
b. low moaning wolf
c. screeching beluga whale
B I guess? I don't know what the whale sounds like but perhaps there are times I get to that level too. - Jules
I guess b. Though The Christian said I got quite vocal at times but I think that's when the sex was kinker and dirtier.  Plus who wants to admit they sound like a whale??? - Miranda
Who came up with these choices???? -Gwyn
Bonus: Which do you prefer comfort sex or thrill-seeking sex? Why?
Comfort seekers value deep intimacy, quiet engagement and trust over time of familiar relationships. For them sex is best as a safe, loving nurturing space.*
Thrill seekers value wild energy, adventure and novelty; they are willing to try open relationships, testing themselves outside average sexual practices. These folks crave a place to push the boundaries of new experiences.*
Clearly if you have ever read this blog before, you know Jules is a thrill seeker. 
I think I'm a mix of both.  I've had some hot nights of sex with random guys but sex is always way better for  me in a relationship and I'm much more free and open to being wild with that person. - Miranda 
If I had to choose I'd choose thrill-seeking - I don't like kinky crazy shit as you all know but I'd much rather have a quickie in the bar bathroom than a romantic hour long sweet lovemaking session in my bed. -Gwyn
*Adapted from Susan Mernit’s blog
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!


  1. 1. I'm surprised at all answers on this one.

    5. Oooh Spanish during sex...if he has a nice voice, YUM!

    6. Gwyn: Lol, it's a question from The Dating Game. I tried to think of additional choices but I got side-tracked. :)

    Bonus: " I'd much rather have a quickie in the bar bathroom than a romantic hour long sweet lovemaking session in my bed."




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