Two Steps Forward
So here
we are again with a whole week going past since I last posted. I’m seriously
slacking. That or just too busy actually living instead of being wrapped up in
my head lol. A lot has happened so here’s the cliff’s notes version.
I had an
amazing weekend with The Christian. Friday night I took a big leap of faith and
went and had dinner with him and his sons.
I was nervous walking in to it.
It’s a big step but one that I wanted to take and one that felt oddly
natural so early on.
went great. His boys were funny, polite,
charming kids and after he bundled them off to bed, we had another great night of
talking and growing closer and closer. I seriously don’t think I talked to
Duckie this much in our entire 12 years of being together. On my way home from his house I went through
my second license check of the week! WTF?
I really think my dad is messing with me from the great beyond.
The Christian had his boys spend the night with his parents and he came to my
town. We rode all over on his
motorcycle, then went to a movie and over to my boss’s house so she could meet
him. Oddly enough Kansas has been over
there a lot doing “man work” for her. I’ve been telling her I thought he was
interested in her and she’s in total denial. I’m so sure he has the hots for
her. I digress…
night after gallivanting around town we ended up snuggling on my couch and
sharing music back and forth off our Ipods.
It was very peaceful and domestic until we got through that second glass
of wine. Then it was wild and
amazing. Seriously amazing sex. I feel oddly like I don’t want to share the
details. But I will say it was hot, aggressive,
and toe curling.
Sunday I
again took another big step and went with him to church. Thankfully I didn’t
burst into immediate flames nor did the church goers stone me to death. The Christian’s church is definitely more old
fashioned than anywhere I’ve liked but it was interesting. I spent a great deal of the time looking
around analyzing everyone’s clothing lol.
church we had lunch with his boys and his parents! Yipes! Never do I feel more
like a 16 year old then when I’m meeting someone’s parents for the first time.
But it went really well. His dad was great and we chatted like old friends. His
mom was in total grandma mode with her grandkids but she was very sweet as
we took his kids for a walk around a lake near my house and then they went back
to his parents’ house to spend the night because they are already out of school
for the summer. The Christian and I had
another amazing night talking, sitting under the stars in his backyard, and
then super intense sex.
Monday morning
I strolled into work looking like the cat who ate the canary. He left with his boys and parents to go to the
beach on Tuesday so we have just been talking on the phone and texting since
Today The Christian asked me if I
could take half a day off work next Friday so he can surprise me with an overnight
trip to the beach for my birthday. I
mean seriously he seems too good to be true.
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop or some red flag to pop
up. But hell I guess having a witch for
an ex-wife is enough baggage for any one person lol.
are going quite swimmingly for The Christian and I. I think my faith in men has finally been
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